Call for Papers
It's time to start planning for this year’s Nebraska Section AWWA Annual Conference. This year the Conference will be held Thursday, November 6, and Friday, November 7, in Kearney.
I am looking for ideas for papers and topics. Please forward to me any of the following:
Specific presentation(s) that you or someone in your company would like to present at the Conference. I’ve received a couple suggestions already.
- Ideas for topics you think would be interesting. It could be an idea for a panel discussion or an idea for which you do not have a specific speaker in mind.
- Names of people you think might be interested in presenting. Please go ahead and share this e-mail with others in your firm or with other industry contacts you think might be interested in presenting.
Please respond with any ideas, suggestions, contacts, or, the most welcome response, an offer to give a specific presentation, by Tuesday, April 22.
I’m arranging a planning meeting tentatively scheduled for the morning of Friday, April 25. The location will be at Nebraska Hall in Lincoln. I will mail more information on the meeting two weeks before the meeting.
Thanks in advance for your time and consideration,
Bruce Dvorak, Ph.D., P.E.
Associate Professor of Civil Engineering
W348 NH
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, NE 68588-0531
(402) 472-3431
(402) 472-8934 (fax)
e-mail: bdvorak@unl.edu |
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