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January 31, 2004
Nebraska Section AWWA Board Meeting Minutes, Janury 15, 2004
The Board meeting for the Nebraska Section AWWA was held at the Fremont Municipal Building in Fremont, Nebraska. The meeting was brought to order at 9:30 a.m.
Present: Kris Ranslem, John Miriovsky, Larry Andreasen, Mike Wentink, Kevin Tobin, Joel Christensen, John Olsson, Bruce Dvorak, Mari Matulka, Carolyn Gigstad, and Doug Woodbeck.
Motion to accept the November 7, 2003 minutes with corrections on those in attendance, made by Larry Andreasen, seconded by Bruce Dvorak, approved by all.
Treasurer's Report
Awaiting receipt of 2003 Fall Joint Conference proceeds from Kathleen Alexander. This estimated amount is $12,000. Motion made by Bruce Dvorak to accept Treasurer's report, seconded by Larry Andreasen, approved by all.
Director's Report
John Miriovsky distributed for Board review, a thank you note from WFP for Section donation of $500, also a nomination form for office at the National organization level. Mari indicated she would include Association presidential nomination information on the Section website.
Committee Reports
Kristine indicated that the books appear to be in order. Board discussed proposals from two firms to audit the Section's finances and tax preparation.
Many awards are available from National, along with different deadline dates for application submittal. Steve Kelley will be doing a mailing to members around April 1 requesting candidates for awards.
Covered under New Business.
No report.
Joint LoNM/NSAWWA water operator seminars scheduled this year total 21. In addition, the annual cross-connection (joint LoNM/NSAWWA) "road show" will take place in the fall. Locations are Beatrice, Wayne, Grand Island and Ogallala.
Two teleconferences are scheduled this year, on March 11 and November 4. The Board may consider some modification in the registration and pre-registration processes to ease burden with paid staff.
The 2004 Training Coalition calendar is completed.
Fall Conference
Program committee is being assembled. Planning to begin in May.
Fuller Award
No report.
No report.
December membership numbers are reported to be positive. Rich Robinson is planning to attend the membership meeting and summit in February.
No report
Public Information
No report.
2004-2005 membership directory was mailed out the first week in January. 750 copies were produced.
Spring issue of "Wise Water Words" will be published at the end of February.
A total of 14,553 visitors came to the NSAWWA section website in 2003. Month to month comparisons of 2002 to 2003 indicate a very large increase in number for 2003.
A project was finished in December and a thesis will be derived from this. Bruce Dvorak will be speaking on this project at the NeRWA Conference.
Two safety seminars were conducted in 2003; one in Fremont and one in Ogallala.
Larry Andreasen received and distributed for Board review, letters of appreciation from the 2003 scholarship recipients.
Board discussed operator scholarships for attendance at the fall conference. Candidates are to be selected from each NHHS R&L drinking Water Program field area. Guidelines should possibly be developed for this process.
Small Systems
No report.
Student Activities
Two meetings (students) are scheduled this year.
Water for People
Raffle for cash in 2003 was successful. Two of the three cash prizes were donated back.
A silent auction will be conducted at the National Conference this year. Board requested to be kept informed.
Water Utility Council
No report.
Young Professionals
Plan for 2004 has been developed; committee to be assembled and tentatively schedule a meeting of this committee in February of March.
Activities in the proposal stage include lunch or dinner seminars, technical tours, and encourage participation of young professionals (and student chapter members) in the mixer at the fall conference. These activities would include young NWEA members as well.
Attempt will be made to identify young professionals within NSAWWA membership in order to produce a list for contact purposes.
Old Business
Strategic plan -- discussion on Young Professionals aspect.
Firm to conduct audit for 2003 -- Discussion on proposals, anticipated fees, and by-laws requirements. Motion made by Kevin Tobin to accept audit proposal by the firm of Hanigan, Bjorkman. Ecklund, seconded by John Olsson, approved by all.
New Business
Budget for 2004 Board discussed pending receivables, costs of directory production, and proposed adjustments to budget items. Discussion included possible registration increase for annual conference, possible advertisements fee increase, and a possible surcharge for Section membership. Board will act on budget adjustments, and further discuss the possible increases for income production at the Board meeting in March.
Washington Fly-in -- Jerry Obrist will be attending as representative of our Section.
Ground Water Festival -- Discussion on various topics for presentation. Volunteers are needed to assist.
Stockholm Jr. Prize Contest -- Board discussed, and decided not to participate by donation this year.
Moving Expenses of Paid Staff -- Request by paid Staff (ACEC/NeSPE/NSAWWA) that the Section pay its share of moving expenses which amounts to $1,290.
Motion to adjourn made by Michael Wentink, seconded by Larry Andreasen, approved by all.
Submitted for approval January 27, 2004 by Michael Wentink, NSAWWA Secretary.