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Nebraska Section AWWA Board Minutes
May 20, 2004Meeting was held on May 20, 2004 at the Fremont, NE City Council Chambers. Meeting called to order at 9:30 a.m. Present were: Kristine Ranslem, Larry Andreasen, John Olsson, Bruce Dvorak, Joel Christensen, John Miriovsky, Tony Bilek, Kevin Tobin, Mari Matulka, Rob Pierce, Dennis Watts, Ben Day, Chris Koenig, and Michael Wentink. Motion made by Larry Andreasen to approve the March 15, 2004 minutes; seconded by Kevin Tobin. Motion approved by all.
Treasurer's Report
Kevin Tobin presented the current balance sheet. Balance reflects the receipt of the Section allotment. No further discussion. Motion to approve treasurer's report was made by Tony Bilek; seconded by Larry Andreasen. Motion approved by all.
Director's Report -- No report.
Committee Reports
- Audit -- Kristine reported that the books are all in order.
- Awards -- Mike Wentink reported that Steve Kelley mailed to the membership, a request for nominations of candidates for numerous available awards. So far, three nominations for WISA candidates have been received and will be reviewed by the Awards Committee after the June 1 deadline.
- Budget -- Included in the Treasurer's report.
- Cross-Connections -- Dennis Watts reporting for Rich Koenig indicates that Rich ordered manuals and materials valued at approximately $8,000. The tracking form for validating the purchase of manuals with the SRF funds was presented.
- Education -- Mike Wentink reported that attendance at the joint LoNM/NSAWWA seminars has been good. There have been 11 seminars during the first four months of the year. There are 10 seminars remaining this year. The March 11 teleconference resulted in attendance of 4 in Hastings, 12 in Gering, and 34 in Ashland.
- Fall Conference -- Committee to meet after the board meeting.
- Fuller Award -- Reported that nomination process just beginning.
- MAC -- Tony Bilek reported that invitations and contracts to potential fall conference exhibitors will be mailed in mid-June. "Best of Show" will continue this year.
- Membership -- Rich Robinson will attend the National ACE in Orlando, FL. Rich has one year left in his national membership position.
- Nominations -- Dennis Watts reports that nominations are published in the Spring and Summer issues of Wise Water Words.
- Public Information -- The Section will continue the joint venture with the League of Nebraska Municipalities and several others, on the water conservation TV spots being run throughout Nebraska. Dennis Watts will contact Lash Chaffin of the League to determine if the Section can secure a copy of the TV spots to show at the fall conference.
- Publications -- Mari Matulka presented a survey/study on the advertising rates of comparable media and in other AWWA sections. Within the study, existing and proposed ad rates were presented. The rates reflect an average of what other AWWA sections are charging. Following discussion, Joel Christensen motioned to approve the new advertising rates as proposed. Motion was seconded by Kevin Tobin and approved by all.
- Research -- No report
- Safety -- Rob Pierce reports that National has stated that overall award applications are down, presumably from the newly-adopted contingency of awards for communities of 10,000 or more.
- Scholarships -- Larry Andreasen reported that scholarships will be offered this year for attendance to the fall conference. Current plans are to have each of the eight NHHS R&L Field Representatives nominate a candidate from their respective field areas, similar to what was conducted last year. Deadline for submission of these candidates is August 30. Each of the Nebraska Section Top Ops team members competing in Orlando at the National Top Ops will be presented with $500 from Section scholarships to offset cost of attendance.
- Small Systems -- The section will receive an award for a video produced for the training of small system board members. It was a joint project shared by the Village of McCool Junction, League of Nebraska Municipalities, Nebraska Rural Water Association, Midwest Assistance Program, Nebraska Section AWWA and Nebraska Environmental Training Center. The Small Systems Committee submitted this project as an entry for a potential award, which we will receive at the Annual Conference in Orlando, FL.
- Student Activities -- Bruce Dvorak and committee is looking for projects of a unique and educational nature for students to view.
- Water for People -- Glenn Dostal reports that the Section is donating to the National Water for People silent auction, a large gift pack from Omaha Steaks and a cook book. Discussion began with whether to raffle off cash prizes at the 2004 fall Conference as was done last year, or to look at other options such as gift certificates. Glenn will look at some other possible options and select what he believes is appropriate.
- Water Utility Council -- Report is in Wise Water Words.
- Young Professionals -- Ben Day submitted a report that included a calendar of anticipated activities for 2004 and 2005. Discussion followed on how to best identify Young Professionals for inclusion in these activities.
Old Business
- Larry Andreasen reported that there is nothing new with the Section Strategic Plan. It may be discussed at a future meeting.
- Joel Christensen reported that he and John Olsson attended the regional meeting in Rapid City, SD. The national support team made comment that our region has the lowest number of attendees at the regional meetings. Discussion at this meeting included changing the dates and other possible options. Next year's regional meeting will be in Bismark ,ND. John Olsson commented that he was impressed with the programs available through National.
- John Olsson reported on the Regional Information Sharing Systems (RISS) including a fact sheet and provided a description of the process and exchange of information. RISS is a disaster and anti-terrorist information exchange system developed to provide information for law enforcement and vulnerable entities/facilities. Discussion followed including the time involved by the Section if participating, liability, dissemination of information, etc. This will be further discussed at the next meeting.
New Business
- The Section Leaders Summer Workshop is scheduled for July 23-24 in Boulder, CO. Inquiry was made of who was planning to attend.
- The 2 percent contract with NHHS R&L was discussed. It was suggested that scholarships to be provided as per the contract, should include attendance at the fall conference. This item will be included as a change in the 2percent contract and be submitted to NHHS R&L for their concurrence.
- Board discussed continuance of paid staff contract. Use of paid staff has been of great assistance, however due to costs involved has impacted the annual budgets. Discussion included conduction of teleconferences and bookkeeping items through the use of volunteers. Motion made by Tony Bilek to terminate the use of paid staff at the conclusion of the contract. Motion seconded by John Miriovsky and approved by all. An existing Ad Hoc Committee will coordinate the transition. Board members asked to submit any needed By-Laws changes referencing paid staff.
Due to other commitments of several officers during the next scheduled (July 22) board meeting, the next meeting is re-scheduled for 9:30 a.m. on July 15 at the Fremont Municipal Building Council Chambers. Dennis Watts made motion to adjourn the meeting. Mike Wentink seconded, and all approved.
Submitted for approval June 14, 2004 by Michael Wentink, NSAWWA secretary.