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Nebraska Section AWWA Board Minutes
July 15, 2004Meeting was held on July 15, 2004 at the Fremont, NE City Council Chambers. Meeting called to order at 9:30 a.m. Present were: Kristine Ranslem, Larry Andreasen, John Olsson, Bruce Dvorak, Joel Christensen, Tony Bilek, Kevin Tobin, Mari Matulka, Rob Pierce, Michael Wentink and Rich Koenig. Motion made by Larry Andreasen to approve minutes of the May 20, 2004 meeting; seconded by Michael Wentink. Motion approved by all.
Treasurer's Report
Kevin Tobin presented the current balance sheet (as of June 29, 2004) and income statement. No further discussion. Motion to approve treasurer report was made by Tony Bilek; seconded by John Olsson. Motion approved by all.
Director's Report
- Board inquired about the interest Joel Christensen may have in being declared a candidate for National Vice President. Due to time commitments, Joel decided not to pursue the candidacy.
- The Section received several awards at the National Conference; among these is a Small Systems award presented to acknowledge the production of a video directed at small town boards. Board discussed options for display and storage for these and past received awards.
Committee Reports
- Audit -- Kristine reported that an audit currently is being conducted.
- Awards -- Mike Wentink reported that Steve Kelley and committee will present four Water Industry Service Awards (WISA) at the Fall Conference. Board discussed possible processes for nominations of small system operators since an individual is hesitant to nominate his/her self for an award. It was concluded the Awards Committee would look at options to accommodate such situations.
- Budget -- Included in the Treasurer's report. Chris Koenig volunteered to assist in the bookkeeping normally done by paid staff. Chris will be bonded.
- Cross-Connections -- Four joint Nebraska Section/League of Nebraska Municipalities' cross-connection control workshops begin in September. Committee work is in progress.
- Education
- Mike Wentink reports attendance at the joint Nebraska Section/League of Nebraska Municipalities' seminars since from January 2004 totals 166.
- Material for the November 4, 2004 teleconference was submitted to National AWWA. Locations for viewing will be Ashland, Gering, and Kearney. Registration fee is $50. There is no fee at the Kearney site for those registered for the Fall Conference.
- Nebraska Health & Human Services, Regulation & Licensure is making arrangements for three water system emergency response training workshops through grant funding by EPA. More information will be available as it is confirmed.
- Beginning this year, operators of community and non-transient non-community water systems serving 3,300 or fewer people may be reimbursed for certification renewal costs. This applies to grades I, II, III, and IV certifications. More information will be printed in the Fall issue of Wise Water Words.
- Fall Conference -- Committee is close to finalizing the agenda. Costs for registration increased $10. Board discussed the scheduling of the lead organization for the Joint Fall Conference. Will meet with the other organizations at the Joint Fall Conference to discuss scheduling.
- Fuller Award -- There will be an award presented at the Fall Conference.
- MAC -- Tony Bilek reports that the "Best of Show" plaque will be presented again this year. Exhibitors are enthused about this recognition.
- Membership -- No report.
- Nominations -- Dennis Watts reports that nominations are published in the Spring and Summer issues of Wise Water Words.
- Public Information -- The Section will continue the joint venture with the League of Nebraska Municipalities and several others, on the water conservation TV spots being run throughout Nebraska. Dennis Watts will contact Lash Chaffin of the League to determine if the Section can secure a copy of the TV spots to show at the fall conference.
- Publications -- Mari requests that articles for the Fall issue of Wise Water Words are to be presented to her by August 2.
- Research -- No report
- Safety -- Rob Pierce reports that two safety workshops are planned for 2005. One topic will be barricading.
- Scholarships -- Larry Andreasen reports that two forms of Section scholarships are available; one is through the SRF and the other form is through Section funds. Board discussed required qualifications when using SRF for scholarships. Also discussed and requested, simplification of the application form. The Section will award eight $250 grants to water operators to attend the Fall Conference, November 4-5.
- Small Systems -- No report.
- Student Activities -- Bruce Dvorak and committee are getting ready for fall activities, including work with Young Professionals.
- Water for People -- The Section donated to the National Water for People silent auction, a large gift pack from Omaha Steaks and a cook book. Board discussed the 2004 Fall Conference WFP activity. Gift certificates will be raffled off; values of $250, $150, and $100.
- Water Utility Council -- No report Latest report is in Wise Water Words.
- Young Professionals -- Ben Day reports that a tour of the Seward RO water treatment plant will be held August 20. Other activities include the creation of a mailing list of potential Young Professional members, and a mixer at the Fall Conference.
Old Business
- Larry Andreasen reports that as a Section, we should step up the membership aspects as described in the Section Strategic Plan.
- John Olsson gave additional information on the Regional Information Sharing Systems (RISS). RISS is a disaster and anti-terrorist information exchange system developed to provide information for law enforcement and vulnerable entities/facilities. Pete Neddo, Metropolitan Utilities District, Omaha, currently is involved in this. Further discussion followed including the time involved by the Section if participating, liability, dissemination of information, etc. The Section will inform others that this system is available. It is scheduled as a training session at the Fall Conference.
- The Board discussed responsibilities of Board and its committees. These responsibilities will be published in Kris Ranslem's column, Fall issue of Wise Water Words.
- By-laws revisions discussed by the Board. The proposed revisions include the headquarters' change of location. They are posted on the Section's website and will be published in the Fall issue of Wise Water Words.
- Kris Ranslem reports that we should step-up the membership part in our strategic plan. We will use the at-your-service mailings through National AWWA.
New Business
- Teleconference fees - covered under education.
John Olsson made motion to adjourn the meeting; Larry Andreasen seconded, and all approved. The next meeting will be held at 9:30 a.m., September 15, at the Fremont Municipal Building Council Chambers. Submitted for approval July 26, 2004 by Michael Wentink, NSAWWA Secretary.