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Nebraska Section AWWA Board Minutes
July 15, 2004

Meeting was held on July 15, 2004 at the Fremont, NE City Council Chambers. Meeting called to order at 9:30 a.m. Present were: Kristine Ranslem, Larry Andreasen, John Olsson, Bruce Dvorak, Joel Christensen, Tony Bilek, Kevin Tobin, Mari Matulka, Rob Pierce, Michael Wentink and Rich Koenig. Motion made by Larry Andreasen to approve minutes of the May 20, 2004 meeting; seconded by Michael Wentink. Motion approved by all.

Treasurer's Report

Kevin Tobin presented the current balance sheet (as of June 29, 2004) and income statement. No further discussion. Motion to approve treasurer report was made by Tony Bilek; seconded by John Olsson. Motion approved by all.

Director's Report

Committee Reports

Old Business

  1. Larry Andreasen reports that as a Section, we should step up the membership aspects as described in the Section Strategic Plan.
  2. John Olsson gave additional information on the Regional Information Sharing Systems (RISS). RISS is a disaster and anti-terrorist information exchange system developed to provide information for law enforcement and vulnerable entities/facilities. Pete Neddo, Metropolitan Utilities District, Omaha, currently is involved in this. Further discussion followed including the time involved by the Section if participating, liability, dissemination of information, etc. The Section will inform others that this system is available. It is scheduled as a training session at the Fall Conference.
  3. The Board discussed responsibilities of Board and its committees. These responsibilities will be published in Kris Ranslem's column, Fall issue of Wise Water Words.
  4. By-laws revisions discussed by the Board. The proposed revisions include the headquarters' change of location. They are posted on the Section's website and will be published in the Fall issue of Wise Water Words.
  5. Kris Ranslem reports that we should step-up the membership part in our strategic plan. We will use the at-your-service mailings through National AWWA.

New Business

  1. Teleconference fees - covered under education.

John Olsson made motion to adjourn the meeting; Larry Andreasen seconded, and all approved. The next meeting will be held at 9:30 a.m., September 15, at the Fremont Municipal Building Council Chambers. Submitted for approval July 26, 2004 by Michael Wentink, NSAWWA Secretary.

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