Metropolitan Utilities District,
Water Conservation and Alert Plan
Water alert emergency plan
(adopted by the M.U.D. Board of Directors, March
2, 1994; revised May 1, 2002)
All actions and restrictions may be required only in certain sections
of the system, especially in the case of pressure problems. In these cases,
a press release will include an outline of the restricted areas.
Level 1: Voluntary Odd/Even Day Watering
- Water consumption reaches 95 percent (about 200 million gallons per
day) of available supply or system capacity, or
- Reservoir levels cannot be refilled from day to day, or
- Low pressure jeopardizes fire fighting or causes numerous customer
- The M.U.D. Director of Communications will issue a press release to
notify the public we are issuing the alert. The press release will include
a list of water conservation tips.
- M.U.D. will limit hydrant flushing and main filling, comply with odd/even
day water restrictions, and shut down decorative fountains at the Florence
Plant and the Headquarters Building.
- All customers will be asked to voluntarily adhere to odd/even day watering.
[If your address ends with an odd number (1, 3, 5,
7, 9), water on the calendar day of the month ending in 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9.
If your address ends with an even number (2,4, 6,
8, 0), water on the calendar day of the month ending in 2, 4, 6, 8 or 0.]
- Customers will be told what to expect if a Level 2 Alert is issued.
- All customers will be asked to voluntarily discontinue hosing down
driveways, shut off decorative fountains, discontinue filling swimming
pools, and other actions deemed appropriate by M.U.D.
- The City of Omaha and other municipalities served by M.U.D. will be
asked to voluntarily comply with odd/even day watering restrictions, curtail
sewer flushing, lake filling, fire fighting drills, street washing and
other non-essential uses of water.
Enforcement: None
Exceptions: Exceptions may be made for new sod less than three
weeks old and other circumstances deemed appropriate by M.U.D.
Level 2: Voluntary No Water Days
Purpose: Specified no-watering days will allow M.U.D. to fill
water system reservoirs.
- Water consumption reaches 95 percent of available supply or system
capacity, or
- Any of the water storage reservoirs cannot be refilled from day to
day, or
- Low pressure jeopardizes fire fighting or causes numerous customer
- The M.U.D. Director of Communications will issue a press release to
notify the public that we are issuing the alert. The press release will
include a list of water conservation tips.
- M.U.D. will limit hydrant flushing and main filling, comply with no-watering
day restrictions, and shut down decorative fountains the Florence Plant
and the Headquarters Building.
- All customers will be asked to voluntarily discontinue all outdoor
uses of water on specified days. The days will be determined by M.U.D.
at the time the alert is issued. One full day after the press release is
issued will be allowed for notification.
- All customers will be asked to voluntarily discontinue hosing down
driveways, shut off decorative fountains, discontinue filling swimming
pools, and other actions deemed appropriate by M.U.D.
- The City of Omaha and other municipalities served by M.U.D. will be
asked to voluntarily comply with no-watering day restrictions, curtail
sewer flushing, lake filling, fire fighting drills, street washing and
other non-essential uses of water.
Enforcement: None
Exceptions: Exceptions may be made for new sod less than three
weeks old and other circumstances deemed appropriate by M.U.D.
Level 3: Water Alert -- Mandatory
- Water consumption meets or exceeds available supply or system capacity,
- Useable water storage has been reduced 50 percent, or
- There are widespread pressure problems.
- The M.U.D. Director of Communications will issue a press release to
notify the public that the voluntary requirements of the Level 1 or Level
2 water alerts are mandatory.
- M.U.D. will stop hydrant flushing and main filling, comply with designated
restrictions, including shut down decorative fountains the Florence Plant
and the Headquarters Building.
- All customers will be required to adhere to watering restrictions.
- All customers will be required to discontinue hosing down driveways,
shut off decorative fountains, discontinue filling swimming pools, and
other actions deemed appropriate by M.U.D.
- The City of Omaha and other municipalities served by M.U.D. will be
required to comply with watering restrictions, stop sewer flushing, lake
filling, fire fighting drills, street washing and other non-essential uses
of water.
Enforcement: Customers, who do not comply with the watering restrictions,
will be subject to having their water shut off until mandatory restrictions
are lifted. The current turn-on fee will be charged to restore service.
($43 -- 2002 fee)
Exceptions: Customers, who do not comply with the watering restrictions,
will be subject to having their water shut off until mandatory restrictions
are lifted. The current turn-on fee will be charged to restore service.
Exceptions may be made for new sod less than three weeks old and other
circumstances deemed appropriate by M.U.D.
Level 4: Water Emergency -- Water Quantity
Trigger: Water use exceeds production or distribution capacity
due to emergency situations.
- The M.U.D. Director of Communications will issue a press release to
notify the public a Water Emergency is in effect.
- All non-sanitary, non-essential use of water must be discontinued.
Enforcement: Customers, who do not comply with the watering restrictions,
will be subject to having their water shut off until the water emergency
is lifted. The current turn-on fee will be charged to restore service.
Level 5: Water Emergency -- Water Quality
Trigger: Water quality for human consumption cannot be assured
due to a contamination or suspected contamination.
- The M.U.D. Director of Communications will issue a press release to
notify the public that water cannot be consumed safely unless it is boiled
or cannot be consumed safely at all. This will include water used in food
- M.U.D., in cooperation with the State of Nebraska Health and Human
Services Department of Regulation and Licensure, will take action to make
the water safe for consumption and conduct tests to assure it is safe.
- M.U.D. will issue a press release to inform customers the water is
now safe for consumption.
Enforcement: None.
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