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January 14, 2003

Board meeting minutes

The Nebraska Section AWWA Board meeting was held at the Wastewater Treatment Facility in Fremont, Nebraska. The meeting was brought to order at 9:30 AM by Dennis Watts.

Members Present were: Larry Andreasen, Chris Koenig, Rich Koenig, Kristine Ranslem, Paul Markowski, John Miriovsky, Rich Robinson, Kevin Tobin, Dennis Watts and Mike Wentink.

Motion made to approve the November meeting minutes was made by Kristine and seconded by Chris.

OLD BUSINESS -- Decision was made to advertise in "WiseWater" and in the "Water Spout" that scholarship moneys will be available for Water Operation Training through the AWWA.

The Lincoln office has a bulk mail stamp now to help with the distribution of questionnaires and other mailings.


A handout was given with changes being made on the following items:

With these changes made Chris made a motion to adopt the 2003 Budget, it was seconded by John, and passed.

DIRECTOR'S REPORT -- Candidates for the National AWWA board were discussed. A decision was made that the Board would go with Terry Ronning (sp?).

AWWA White Paper Review -- Accreditation program: Decided this needs to be looked at a little more. John will continue to monitor it.

CROSS CONNECTION -- Rich reported on the 2% Money. He would like to get 3 or 4 additional AWWA Standards on CD-ROM and made available to the field representatives, Rural Water and N.E.T.C. Also, there was a request for manuals of Disinfection.Would need approximately 50 manuals.

EDUCATION -- Mike reported the training calendar for 2003 has been sent out. Safety Meetings will be in Fremont and Ogallala this year.

FALL CONFERENCE -- Kristine handed out a report on profits for the 2002 fall conference. Sixty-five people participated in the satellite conference. There was a good reaction to the Satellite teleconference. Other suggestions were that we get the paid staff to run each year's conference and also to raise the fees from $60 to $65. This would include the teleconference and cover the expense of the paid staff.

MEMBERSHIP -- Rich gave handouts to review on a Membership Development Plan. This will be discussed at the March meeting.

SAFETY -- See handout.

SCHOLARSHIP -- See handout.

WATER FOR PEOPLE -- Rich gave a thank you for the gun he won.

YOUNG PROFESSIONALS -- There will be a Sporting Clay Shoot at Pierce on Sunday in March before the Rural Water Conference. Food will be served.

NEW BUSINESS -- Bruce Dvorak: Engineering Study Session. Kevin Tobin will sit on a committee and work with this if he can get some young engineer to work with him. Maybe give them $25 off of their membership.

Stockholm Junior Water Prize. Asking for $500 -- tabled until the March meeting to get more information. For the last one we gave $500 and never heard what happened with it.

Motion to adjourn made by Chris and seconded by John. Passed. Meeting adjourned at 12:30 PM.

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