June 3, 2003
Nebraska Section AWWA Board Meeting Minutes, May 22, 2003
The Nebraska Section AWWA Board meeting was held at the Fremont, Nebraska City Council Chambers on May 22, 2003. Meeting was brought to order at 9:30 a.m.
Present: Dennis Watts, Larry Andreasen, Rich Koenig, Kevin Tobin, Mari Matulka, Tony Bilek, Mike Wentink, Kris Ranslem, Rob Pierce, Chris Koenig, Brian Bruce, John Miriovsky, Rich Robinson, Carolyn Gigstad.
Kris Ranslem motioned to approve the March 19, 2003 minutes, Larry Andreasen seconded approved by all.
Treasurer's report was presented by Kevin Tobin (report attached). $400 bookstore allotment needs to be satisfied. Videos will be selected on small systems topics and ordered on the section allotment. Kris Ranslem motioned to approve the Treasurer's report, Larry Andreasen seconded, approved by all.
John Miriovsky reports three candidates in the running for President
Commented on the resignation of EPA Director Christine Whitman.
Reports the recent Washington D.C fly-in resulted in approximately 200 congressional meetings. Our Nebraska representative, Jerry Obrist, Water Utility Council, met with both Senators and two of the three Representatives.
Saturday, June 14, at the AWWA-ACE in Anaheim, the Board of Directors will conduct a meeting on accreditation. The proposed accreditation program will be evaluated for acceptance, benefits, etc. Report will follow.
New national President will be elected at the winter Board Meeting.
John suggests the Board send the newly-elected Section Director to the winter Board meeting, along with John, to serve as "kick-off" training for the new Director.
AUDIT -- No report
Report attached. Steve Kelley indicated the committee is still accepting nominations for WISA awards and has a good pool of candidates to choose from. Steve has not received any information on the Fuller Award.
BUDGET -- No Report
Report attached. Mike Wentink reports 134 operators attended the 10 seminars that have been held.
The next teleconference will be held during the Fall Conference. The topic is "Utility Case Studies."
Education award has been submitted.
Four copies of AWWA Standards on CD were received and dispersed to the proper personnel.
Planning meeting to follow Board Meeting today. Topics and speakers defined by July for publications.
FULLER AWARD -- No report
Tony Bilek presented a letter from the National MAC (attached) promoting a "New Presenter" session at section meetings. This program is intended to encourage young professionals and new members to get involved in the section conferences. The concept will be discussed in future meetings and may be considered for the 2004 Fall Conference.
Rich Robinson discussed the section membership reports from national and read the past due members. There are 332 current Nebraska members.
The National Membership Strategic Plan is being finalized and may result in a restructuring of membership classifications.
There will be a Membership Forum on Tuesday, June 17th at the host hotel during AWWA-ACE in Anaheim.
Rich will be contacting national for a membership oriented topic to present at the Rural Water Western Conference in Gering September 23-24.
Report attached. Chris Koenig presented the proposed slate of officers for 2004.
Dennis Watts motioned to approve the nominations, Kris Ranslem seconded, approved by all. Via e-mail, Chris nominated Joel Christensen for the Nebraska Section National Director. By unanimous vote Joel has been elected to serve the three-year term as Nebraska National Director.
Mari Matulka presented the list of vendors currently advertising in the upcoming summer issue of Wise Water Word. Mari will be soliciting advertisers for the 2004-2005 Directory in the Fall.
RESEARCH -- No report
Rob Pierce reports recent workshop in Fremont had 30 attendees. Next workshop is August 15 in Ogallala at the visitor's center at Lake Ogallala. The topic will be trenching and shoring. Price is $50.
SCHOLARSHIP -- No report
A $250 gift certificate from Omaha Steaks has been secured for donation to the National Water for People Silent Auction in Anaheim (AWWA-ACE). Discussed awards for the WFP raffle for the annual Fall Conference. Agreed on three cash awards of $250, $150 and $100.
Chris Koenig for Jerry Obrist indicates all updates on legislative issues have been posted to Board Members via e-mail.
Kris Ranslem presented the Young Professionals mission statement (attached). Discussed potential activities for the Fall Conference, such as a social event-ice breaker. Will continue discussion at the next Fall Conference planning meeting.
Strategic Plan-Membership and Young Professionals development plans have been presented. Comments will be discussed at the July Board Meeting. Membership committee has attained the old data base of student members to solicit for possible renewal.
Bylaws-Committee met and suggests only minor verbiage changes to the existing bylaws.
2% SRF (state revolving fund) -- Chair will submit revised application by June 30. Chris Koenig motioned to approve Dennis signing the revised application, second by Kris Ranslem approved by all.
Paid Staff -- Committee of Dennis, Kris, Larry and Tony will evaluate the contract with ACEC. Committee will review and comment on current contract. Comments due to Dennis by next week. Conference call to be set for June 2 with ACEC to discuss the upcoming fiscal year contract (July 1, 2003 to June 30, 2004.
Summer Workshop -- Dennis and Chris are planning on attending so far. The workshop is scheduled for July 24-26 at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, CO. Registration is due by June 16.
Motion to adjourn was made by Chris Koenig, seconded by Kris Ranslem, approved by all.
Submitted for approval, Tony Bilek-NSAWWA Secretary, June 3, 2003.