August 13, 2003
Nebraska Section AWWA Board Meeting Minutes, July 17, 2003
The Nebraska Section AWWA Board meeting was held at the Fremont City Chambers July 17, 2003. Meeting was brought to order at 9:30 a.m.
Present: Mike Wentink, Kris Ranslem, John Miriovsky, Larry Andreasen, Rich Koenig, Dennis Watts, Tony Bilek, Mari Matulka.
Motion was made by Kris Ranslem to approve the May 22, 2003 minutes, second by John Miriovsky, approved by all.
Received notice that the Public Information Committee spent $3000 on advertising National Drinking Water Week. Will discuss the expenditure at the September Board meeting. Discussion on what mediums could be used resulted in several ideas. Options will be discussed in "Old Business" at the September meeting.
Discussed the paid staff budget overrun of last fiscal year and the renewed contract for this fiscal year. The estimated paid staff hours for fiscal year beginning July 1, 2003 is 250 hours at $32 per hour.
With APWA being the lead organization at the 2003 Fall Conference, the paid staff hours should be substantially lower than the past two years.
Discussed investigating the cost associated with video and/or teleconferences for future Board Meetings. The intent is to provide Board Members and Committee Chairs better access to participate in Board Meetings. Larry Andreasen will research service providers for teleconferences and report at September's meeting.
John Miriovsky reports one of the key focus items at the National Board of Directors meeting in Anaheim was Accreditation. The Board charged the Standards Council with working with the Ontario AWWA and other potential utilities to pilot the utilization of the accreditation drinking water systems and to monitor results. Board of Directors meeting highlights attached.
Lynn Stoval will be the National dignitary that will attend this year's Fall Conference. Topics for Lynn to discuss were brainstormed. They include: Accreditation, Midwest Assistance Program, Security, Membership reclassification.
Dennis reports all books in order.
Rich Koenig and Rob Pierce completed the agenda for the upcoming training sessions in Beatrice, Wayne, Grand Island and Ogallala. Notice of training sessions are posted in Wise Water Words.
Mike Wentink reports purchasing three videos from the AWWA bookstore with the section bookstore allotment. Presented a "Section Training" video for incoming Board members. The tape will be displayed at the Fall Conference at the AWWA Section booth.
The Fall Conference agenda has changed, with the P.E. exam training moved to Wednesday, 1:30-2:30 p.m. Top Ops will be a single track on Thursday.
Lynn Stoval is the National Dignitary who will attend the Fall Conference.
The registration form will include a check box for those who will attend the teleconference. The check box will allow the conference committee to improve accommodations for the number of teleconference attendees.
New members and Young Professionals will receive ID pins or a stamp to allow Board members and committee chairs easy recognition of these members. Kris Ranslem will talk to Kathleen Alexander regarding the ID pins or stamps for inclusion with the registration packets.
Tony Bilek will bring a TV/VCR to display the AWWA "training" tape at the AWWA booth.
John Miriovsky reports that there will be a Fuller Award recipient.
Tony Bilek suggests a "Best of Show" award to be presented to the exhibitor that is judged "Best" by a panel of judges. Suggested judges are the National Dignitaries from AWWA and WEA, Section Chairs from both organizations and perhaps the national directors from each organization. Tony will develop a short and easy check list with similar criteria that is used at the National conference and exhibition and order a wall plaque for the award.
No report.
List of nominations are posted on the website and will be published in the next issue of Wise Water Words.
Mari Matulka indicates that UN extension service offers photo-ready materials that can be printed as brochures/flyers. The materials include "make evert drop count" conservation tips and other items that can be included in bill mailings or other forms of advertising for water departments.
AWWA National offers security posters that can be attained by members.
Mari reports that she and Jim Shields of MUD will be presenting at the Iowa AWWA/IWPCA Short Course Session, September 9-10, in W. Des Moines.
The Public Information budget will overrun due to the increase cost of producing Wise Water Words. (Higher quality paper, 4-color printing and increased number of pages per issue)
Mari has posted an August 1 deadline for articles and material for the next Wise Water Words, targeted for publication before Labor Day.Solicitation for advertisers in the 2004-2005 section directory will be in the upcoming issue.
No report.
Good attendance reported from the May 8 session Topic was trenching and shoring safety.
No report.
No report.
No report.
Plaques received from our sponsored system. The section will offer the plaque to the awards committee for possible "recycle." Rich Koenig will distribute the WFP raffle tickets.
No report.
Committee will continue discussions with the Membership Committee on the Fall Conference "Social" event. Board will discuss at the September Board meeting.
Kris Ranslem submitted the Young Professionals Development Plan. Plan has been reviewed and approved.
Section Bylaws are being reviewed by John Miriovsky with updates and revisions being made prior to presenting to National.
SRF funding contract signed and submitted to National (agreement attached). SRF funds will go towards M-19 Emergency Planning manuals.
Summer Workshop in Estes Park will be attended by Dennis Watts.
Mike Wentink contacted the Rural Water Association liaisons, Randy Hellbush and Tom Goulette and reports that both organizations will work together with the training coalition on educational seminars.
Mike Wentink gave a report on the regional meeting held in May in Montana. Approximately 15 regional members were in attendance. Key topics of discussion were the reclassification of memberships and strengthening the relationship with the Rural Water Association for promotion of AWWA membership.
The regional attendees were impressed with the inclusion of our "P.E. Exam training" session at the upcoming Fall Conference.
Motion to adjourn was made by John Miriovsky, second by Tony Bilek approved by all.
Submitted for approval, Tony Bilek-NSAWWA secretary, August 7, 2003.