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September 18, 2003

Nebraska Section AWWA Board Meeting Minutes

The Nebraska Section American Water Works Association Board meeting was held at the Fremont City Chambers, September 18, 2003. The meeting was brought to order at 9:30 a.m. by Chairperson Dennis Watts.

Present: Dennis Watts, Kevin Tobin, Mari Matulka, Kris Ranselm, Carolyn Gigstad, Rich Koenig, Larry Andreasen, Chris Koenig, John Miriovsky and Tony Bilek.

Larry Andreasen motioned to approve the July 17, 2003 Board meeting minutes. Chris Koenig seconded it. Approved by all.


Kevin Tobin presented report. Kris Ranselm said $1,500 remains in the Association checking account. CD# 935291, valued at $11,410.75 will be cashed and deposited into the checking account to prepare for upcoming Fall Conference expenditures.

Carolyn Gigstad said ACEC would like to re-visit and perhaps issue an addendum to the Memorandum of Understanding for contracted services. ACEC would prefer amortized payments throughout the year versus payments for only hours/services rendered. The Board will be contacted by ACEC for discussion.

Chris Koenig motioned to approve the Treasurer's report. Seconded by Kris Ranselm. Approved by all.


John Miriovsky opened the floor for discussion on a National AWWA Joint Conference with the National Water Environment Federation. National Directors are investigating interest within sections. An adhoc committee will further investigate interest and viability of a joint conference.

A customer satisfaction survey was distributed. The survey is to be completed and returned to John prior to the Fall Conference.


Dennis Watts reports all books in order.

AWARDS -- No report.


Funding for incoming Director Joel Christensen will be budgeted for travel to the National Board of Directors' winter meeting.


Workshops have been well attended. Thirty people attended the session in Beatrice, September 15, and 25 attended in Wayne, September 16. Sixty people were scheduled to attend the Grand Island session, September 17, and 20 in Ogallala, September 18.


Mike Wentink's report noted the 2004 Coalition Calendar is being prepared. The calendar needs to be expedited for release to notify recipients of the training sessions on a more timely basis. Ten copies of capacity development videos were delivered to the office library.


Kris Ranselm reported the agenda and registration data will be mailed this week. Dinner at the Alley Rose will be arranged for Board members and the national dignitary.

It was decided that Nebraska Health & Human Service water supply specialists from the eight regions will nominate a candidate to receive $250 scholarships to attend the Fall Conference. An alternate from each region also will be nominated. Lynn Wegehaupt will inform the nominees of the scholarship awards.

The Young Professionals Committee will hold a social event after the Top Ops Competition, Thursday, November 6.

Bruce Dvorak needs assistance from a P.E. to help in the P.E. Exam Prep Session, Wednesday, November 5, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Kevin Tobin and Chris Koenig will contact Dr. Dvorak.

Tony Bilek reported that he has received approximately 25 vendor/exhibitor contracts. The Best of Show evaluation forms will be prepared for the judges and the award will be presented at the conclusion of the social hour.


John Miriovsky reported there will be a Fuller Award presentation.


See Fall Conference --Tony Bilek

MEMBERSHIP -- No report.


Nominations are posted on the website.



Mari Matulka reported a budget overrun due to a publishing cost increase. Solicitations for advertising in the 2004-2005 Membership Directory were sent to prospective advertisers. Mari presented the website activity report.

RESEARCH -- No report.

SAFETY -- No report.


See Fall Conference

SMALL SYSTEMS -- No report.



Sales of raffle tickets have been very good. The Board will evaluate the effect of offering cash awards versus the traditional shotgun give-away.


Report is posted on the website.


The Committee will hold a social event at the Fall Conference, Thursday, November 6.


The Board reviewed proposed rev isions to the Section Bylaws. Several changes were made. The proposed Bylaws will be mailed to the general membership for review. The Bylaws will be voted on for approval at the Fall Conference business meeting, November 6, 2003.

Larry Andreasen presented the Strategic Plan Report. Action items to be accomplished:

  1. Contact Bruce Dvorak to secure the current student data base for potential recruitment.
  2. Contact National AWWA for archival data on past student members, and "lapse" memberships, again for potential recruitment.
  3. Continue to develop new activities for Young Professionals and New Members.
  4. Seek exposure through educational institutions. Display AWWA materials at career nights at area colleges. Dennis Watts will research what display materials we have available and assess the need for additional information.
  5. Job listings to be posted on the Section website.
  6. Will request Lynn Stoval to prepare a few words regarding membership and development for the joint luncheon.
  7. Look into the possibility of participating in the League of Municipalities Conference.
  8. Promote mentoring.
  9. Develop and implement one new training session.
  10. Larry will present an update to the proposed action items at the business meeting, November 6, 2003.

Dennis Watts reported on the July workshop in Estes Park, CO. The focus was on recruiting volunteers to serve as committee chairs and/or board members. Items of discussion included:

  1. Term limits for committee chairs.
  2. Communication.
  3. Past Officers Committee.
  4. Review strategic plans annually.
  5. Evaluation/surveys.


Dennis Watts investigated fees from service providers to teleconference Board meetings, training sessions, etc. The Board will discuss this issue with members at the business meeting, November 6.

Chris Koenig made the motion to adjourn. Seconded by Kris Ranselm. Approved by all.

NEXT MEETING -- November 7, 2003, 7 a.m., Kearney Holiday Inn and Convention Center.


  1. Complete customer satisfaction surveys and submit to John Miriovsky by Fall Conference -- ALL BOARD MEMBERS
  2. Expedite Training Coalition Calendar -- MIKE WENTINK
  3. Nominate eight operators, one from each region, including an alternate for the $250 "conference" scholarship awards -- RICH KOENIG
  4. Contact Bruce Dvorak regarding assistance on the P.E. exam session -- KEVIN TOBIN or CHRIS KOENIG
  5. Prepare Best of Show evaluation forms -- TONY BILEK
  6. Order Best of Show Plaque/Award -- TONY BILEK
  7. Contact Bruce Dvorak for current list of engineering students -- RICH ROBINSON
  8. Contact National for past student members and lapse memberships -- RICH ROBINSON
  9. Inventory the Section's AWWA display materials -- DENNIS WATTS
  10. Contact Rob Pierce and investigate participation in the League of Municipalities conference -- MIKE WENTINK
  11. Update the Fall Conference evaluation survey -- TONY BILEK

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