Wise Water Words - Volume 51, Issue 1 (Spring 2014)
Director's Report: Water – It Defines Us!
By John Olsson [Olsson Associates]From a legislative standpoint, 2014 was a big year relative to the advancement of water. Under the leadership of Sen. Tom Carlson, LB 1098 and a couple of companion bills were introduced and ultimately promulgated into law on April 17th. The main bill creates a water sustainability fund with not only an initial investment, but also with annual cash infusions in the years ahead. The bill also restructures the state's Natural Resources Commission to create greater emphasis on sustainability.
This new structure will evaluate projects and fund those that best meet the needs of future generations across a range of priorities. Priorities include reducing aquifer depletion, increasing stream flow, managing flood threats, protecting wildlife, promoting conservation, and ensuring that municipal and industrial needs can be met. On the day of the signing, Governor Heineman told reporters, "This is a difficult and challenging issue and this legislation is aimed at planning for better future water use in our state."
In the same way, the American Water Works Association is taking a holistic approach with the Total Water Solutions initiative. It is recognized that water is not easily divided into different use categories, and water professionals increasingly must understand and manage water in all its stages. As a Section, it is becoming increasingly important for us to be a diverse group that has a deep understanding of drinking water, but also a general understanding of all things water. In the coming months and years, it will be important for the Nebraska Section to take stock in how we are represented within our structure and what we can do to be leaders.
Let's face it: Water is a crown jewel no matter where you live in the world, and Nebraska happens to be sitting right on top of some of the best water around -- just ask the good folks of Curtis...voted best water in the world at the National Rural Water Association "Great American Water Taste Test" in February. The opportunities are great for us, so we need to adapt and be thinking about how we can better serve our members and the citizens of Nebraska.