Get Your Words Every Wednesday
Once a week, we send out an email called "Wise Water Words Wednesday". It's meant to be your connection to what's happening in the Nebraska Section AWWA in real time.
The weekly email helps us to stay connected as a Section and provides you with a quick, easy-to-scan summary of what's happening, along with links to help you find more information (usually on our website).
"WWW Wednesday" is open to anyone -- you don't have to be a member of the Nebraska Section AWWA to receive it. So if you have a friend or colleague who would benefit from the information, please forward it along -- or send them to so they can sign up on their own.
One of our main objectives in distributing the weekly update is to show prospective new members the value in joining our Section, so please help us use it as a recruitment tool.
The e-mail distribution list is also a great resource for utility members, since you can sign up as many employees as you like to receive it at no charge.
We try to respect your inbox, so you are not automatically signed up to join the distribution list when you join AWWA. You do need to sign up for yourself, again by visiting from any device.
Our concept of publications is "digital-first", which means everything starts with a post on our website. If you have news to share with the Nebraska Section, send an email anytime with the details to We'll get it on the website, follow it up with coverage in "WWW Wednesday", cross-post it to our Facebook ( and Twitter (@awwaneb) accounts, and ultimately publish the major items in the print edition of Wise Water Words.
If you have questions, news to share, or interest in joining the Publications Committee, I'm at your service anytime. The special nature of an all-volunteer section like ours puts extra emphasis on our need to communicate freely and often with one another, and we gladly welcome any and all suggestions that can help us do that more effectively.