My AWWA Story: Marc Rosso
So, back in the day when I was "voluntold" to participate in AWWA, I started to do a few presentations at Fall Conference. The first one I did was a project presentation for the Hay Springs, Nebraska, water system improvements in 1995.
I designed and did construction engineering for a new 350' deep well, 130' tall elevated water tower, and several thousand feet of water main replacements. That got me going in the industry and I started presenting regularly at Fall Conference.
In 2005, I moved to Lincoln and started to be more engaged in the Nebraska Section AWWA. When I moved to HWS (now Benesch) in 2006, I realized I had to enlarge my network so I started attending board meetings and events on a regular basis.
After a few years (in 2012), then-Chair John Olsson asked me to be the membership committee chair and the rest is history.
My involvement in the Nebraska Section AWWA has resulted in creating a large network of people in the industry. This has allowed me to move to higher positions in professional practice as well as active participation on the association level of the membership engagement and development committee.
As a past membership committee chair and now as a board member, I have learned skills related to leadership, team management, business management, and event planning. All of this has resulted in being a well-rounded professional and having more confidence in my work. Thanks, AWWA!