YP Committee 2024-25 Elections
The NWEA-NSAWWA Joint Young Professionals (YP) Committee would like to invite you to participate in the elections to various committee positions this year.
The committee consists of a Chair, Vice-Chair and several committee leads that organize numerous events and activities geared towards professional development, student engagement and networking amongst the YPs.
The selected members serve in their positions for one year and they are eligible for re-elections next year.
The following Officer and Committee positions are open for elections in this upcoming year 2024-25.
A brief description of the roles for these positions is also provided below.
- Conference Events Lead:
- Organizes the YP Bags Tournament at the Annual Great Plains Conference in spring every year
- Organizes the Texas Hold'em Poker Tournament at the Annual Joint NWEA-NSAWWA-APWA Fall Conference in November every year
- Student Engagement Lead:
- Organizes the Annual NWEA Mentorship program for University students
- Organizes student engagement activities such as facility tours and student networking and career fair prep events in coordination with UNO and UNL
- Student Engagement Committee members:
- Supports the Student Engagement Lead in the organization of the student engagement activities
- Networking Events Lead:
- Organizes the quarterly YP professional development webinars
- Organizes networking events such as Husker game tailgates and happy hours for YPs
- Organizes community involvement events such as stream cleanups and exhibitions in coordination with local clubs
- Networking Events Committee members:
- Supports the Networking Lead in the organization of networking activities
- Secretary:
- Records meeting minutes for the monthly YP committee meetings
- Coordinates communication with NWEA Public Outreach Committee
- Vice-Chair:
- Supports the YP Committee chair in the overall coordination of YP events
Membership in the YP Committee provides a great opportunity to engage with fellow YPs and colleagues and professionals in the NWEA.
Please consider joining our committee and reach out to Abhijeet Saraf (Abhijeet.Saraf@hdrinc.com) with your name and job title along with the position you are interested in by December 27th, 2024.