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March 21, 2001
Nebraska Section AWWA Board Meeting MinutesThe Board Meeting for the Nebraska Section AWWA was held in Columbus, NE at the City Council Chambers on March 21, 2001, commencing at 1:30 p.m.
Present were Chris Koenig, Larry Andreasen, Kristine Ranselm, Joel Christensen, John Miriovsky, Scott Borman, Dr. Bruce Dvorack, Warren Sund, Carolyn Gigstad, Rich Koenig and Tony Bilek. Dennis Hirschbrunner called in by phone with the Director's Report.
Absent were: Chip Haas, Dennis Watts, and Pat Heath.
Motion to accept the January 18, 2001 meeting minutes was made by Larry Andreasen and seconded by Kris Ranselm Motion approved unanimously.
Budget Report -- Kris Ranselm: Reports Attached, Net income from period 1/1/01 3/13/01 is $1,682.82.
Motion to approve budget report by Joel Christensen; second by Scott Borman. Approved unanimously.
Director's Report -- via phone by Dennis Hirschbrunner -- At Ft. Meyers winter meeting Lynn Stovall was elected President. Overall National AWWA Budget approved between $27-28,000,000.
Dennis is looking for a list of who will be attending the National AWWA Conference in Washington DC. Tuesday morning will be the Nebraska's delegate's breakfast with the congressional reps. Any who can attend are strongly encouraged to attend the conference.
2001 Budget Presented -- Joel Christensen moved to accept budget as presented; Tony Bilek second. Approved unanimously.
Education Report -- Mike Wentink: Attendance of NSAWWA/LONM Seminars has ranged from 6 to 22 with an average of 17 per session through nine sessions.
Preliminary numbers for March teleconference shows attendance by 60+ individuals throughout Nebraska.
An education survey to help determine the educational needs for the Section will be conducted later this year in an upcoming issue of "Wise Water Words." Report is attached.
Safety Report -- Rob Pierce: Videotapes from AWWA were ordered through Chip at a slightly higher cost than was budgeted (no amount given). These will be used in 2001 training then moved to NSAWWA Library.
Three seminars on trenching and shoring will be conducted on the following dates and locations:
5/15/01 Lincoln NE
5/16/01 Grand Island NE
5/17/01 Gering NE
Bob Hessler with Safteyline Consultants, Scottsbluff, NE, will instruct the classes with a $50 registration fee to attend.
Fall protection training that meets OSHA standards is also be included in the training seminars this year. Report is attached.
Small Systems -- No report
Cross-Connection Control -- Rich Koenig -- CCCP seminars have been scheduled for fall. Committee would also like to use SRF-Technical Assistance Funds to purchase additional M-14 Manuals.
Water for People -- No committee report. However, a suggestion was brought forth that the expenditure for Water for People be increased by $475 for sponsorship of a Guatemalan Project at a higher level. Joel Christensen moved to approve the expenditure and motion was seconded by Kris Ranselm Approved unanimously and Carolyn was directed to send a check to Water For People.
Publications -- "Wise Water Words" to be sent out this week.
Public Information -- No report
Membership -- No report
Awards -- No report
Audit Report -- Bank statements are in and are looking at paid staff income taxes.
Fuller Award -- No Report
Water Utility Council -- No Report
Fall Conference -- Fall Conference planning will begin this week with a committee meeting March 22. Preconference workshop will be held November 6, 2001, but who is conducting it at this time is unknown.
Nominations -- Chairs by Fall Conference
Scholarships -- No report.
Research -- No report.
Student Activities -- There will be three more planned events before the end of school.
MAC -- WEF will be lead for conference.
Budget -- No report.
Young Professionals -- No report.
Old Business
Dr. Bruce Dvorak -- Presented proposal for commitment of seed money for research project. Memorandum concerning proposal is attached. Discussion on the proposal centered on qualifications of any proposed research project.
Primarily, for a research project too be considered for the seed money the projects should be Nebraska based projects, PWSS-Small System-oriented, and UNL would be the lead in the projects.
Joel Christensen made a motion that NSAWWA would make a commitment up to $20,000 for research project funding as long as the projects meet the above considerations and a formal presentation is made for approval of the project once a project has been decided on. Motion seconded by Larry Andreasen. Approved by all.
The Ad Hoc Committee on Budget Reserves made a recommendation to the Board (attached) that the budget reserve be set aside in three CDs and that the interest generated by the CDs be designated to assist in operator education. A couple of options presented would be a possible rebate for operators attending the Fall Conference or a scholarship type program for the operators. Motion to establish the reserves specific to CDs 773109, 775652 and 935291 was made by Joel Christensen and seconded by Tony Bilek
Motion approved unanimously. Discussion on interest generated funds for operator use will be discussed in next meeting.
A discussion on where the location of the Top-Ops Competition should be held was by the entire Board. Tony Bilek voiced concern that there was a tremendous lack of traffic in the vendor area last year during the competition. However, because of the problems associated with conducting Top-Ops in the vendor area, the consensus of the other Board members attending is to keep the Top-Ops competition separate. This matter will be referred back to the Conference Planning Committee for more discussion during the Fall Conference planning. Suggestions as to what can be done to accommodate the vendors and competitors will be discussed then.
The Regional Section Meeting will be in Des Moines, IA, May 17-19, 2001. More information will be forwarded as soon as it is received.
Next Board meeting is May 17, 2001 at 9:30 a.m. at the HGM Associates, Inc.. Office Building. located at 5022 South 114th Street, Suite 200 in Omaha, NE. This location is being used to facilitate those leaving after the meeting to attend the RMSO Meeting in Des Moines, IA, May 18-19, 2001
Motion to adjourn meeting was made by Kris Ranselm and seconded by Larry Andreasen. Approved by all.
ADDENDUM TO 3/21/01 Minutes:
On April 11, 2001, Chip Haas sent a memorandum (attached) to all AWWA Board members via e-mail. This concerned sending Carolyn Gigstad to the National AWWA Conference in Washington, DC this June. Motion to send Carolyn to the National Conference made by Chris Koenig and seconded by Chip Haas via e-mail. Nine of 10 members responded to the request, and all nine responded in the affirmative to send Carolyn to the annual conference. Motion carries. E-mail documentation is attached.
Submitted for approval 5/17/01 by Scott Borman, NSAWWA Secretary.