YP foundry tour
We are pleased to announce that Flowserve will host the AWWA Young Professionals crew in Hastings and invite you to attend. This is another opportunity to get together with our friends and learn about a foundry and manufacturing process for pumps that our industry relies upon. We have scheduled the event for Friday, April 20th, at 1:30pm in Hastings at the Flowserve facility.Right now, I am planning on the tour lasting around 1.5 to 2 hours to be followed with loose social gathering for those interested. I think that portion of the programming can be as beneficial as the educational part. We will sort out where we can get something to eat and drink as we firm up attendance and interest. Flowserve will be able to provide CEUs for anyone who would like those to help maintain a license.
In the tour, it appears that we will get the opportunity to see these:
- Vertical Turbine Pump Components
- Foundry Processes
- CNC Machining Processes
- Fabrication Processes
- Pump Assembly and Testing Processes
I have invited you since you have either attended an event in the past or you are attached to the Section's email list. Please forward this along to anyone else in the industry that you think might be interested. Our committee operates with email publishing almost entirely, so we need your help to send this to others that you know.
We appreciate your support and hope to see you there.
JUSTIN STINE, PE | Senior Project Engineer
650 J Street | Suite 215 | Lincoln, Nebraska 68508-2916
d: 402.474.8758 | m: 402.480.1286 | o: 402.435.3080 | f: 402.435.4110