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UNL Extension Meeting on Drought Education


Nebraska Public Water Supply Managers, Regulators, and Assistance Providers:

Input from clientele and Nebraska public water supply managers and regulators led the University of Nebraska - Lincoln Extension Staff to identified the need for educational materials for the public related to efficient outdoor (lawn and ornamental plant care) and indoor water use; specifically as related to drought.

Extension has some publications on these issues, but is interested in partnering with the Public Water Supply community in order to develop additional materials that will be of the greatest value if the drought should continue into 2013.

If your organization may be interested in using any of the Extension materials or resources, please arrange for a representative to participate in a meeting on Tuesday, January 29, 2013, 10:00 a.m. to noon. Participation can be in person in Lincoln, NE at the Lancaster County Extension Office – 444 Cherrycreek Road, Rooms A and B, or by conference call.

Please RSVP by Jan. 25 to Sharon.skipton@unl.edu if you plan to participate in person (so we can plan on handouts) or if you want to join by conference call (so we can send you the call in number and handouts).

A draft agenda is provided below:
  1. January telephone/face-to-face "planning the program" session
    1. Introduce the potential products to be shared (publications for web and/or inserts with bills, articles for newletters, website with information, local education programs, etc.)
    2. Request input into these product
    3. Discuss logistics of delivery through various methods
    4. Possible methods would include awwa web site, email blasts, short articles to put in newsletters, link to droughtresources.unl.edu, link to Nebguide series, comprehensive brochure
  2. Delivery of Key Messages/Info Timetable