Stay in Touch with Our E-Mail Lists
Please take note that there are two separate e-mail lists maintained by the Nebraska Section AWWA.
The official membership list -- based upon your registration with the national AWWA organization -- is used only for a handful of announcements a year. Messages are sent to the list only when absolutely necessary (like when we share the nominations for election prior to the Fall Conference), and they will only be sent to actively registered members of the Nebraska Section AWWA. If you are a current member, you do not have to do anything other than keep your e-mail address up-to-date with the national AWWA office.
Separately, we maintain an open list that is used for most of our regular announcements, including a weekly news update. This list is open to anyone -- members and non-members alike -- and is used to promote the events and interests of the organization. Because this list is voluntary and separate from your AWWA registration, you are responsible for keeping your own e-mail address current to remain on the list. A link is found at the bottom of every message sent to the list (look under "The Fine Print"), or you can register anytime at
We strongly encourage you to share the open list with your friends and colleagues throughout the industry. We think there is no better tool for recruitment to the Nebraska Section AWWA than for people to see what we are doing and to get a personal invitation from a member.
That's all you need to know: If you're a member, keep your e-mail address current with the national office. And if you'd like to receive weekly updates on what's happening with the section, join our voluntary list at -- and share it with a friend!