2019 Fall Conference
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- Register for the Fall Conference - exhibitors
- Register for the Fall Conference - individual attendees
Learn more
Call for papers ■ Conference overview ■ Pre-conference workshop ■ Photos ■ Hall layout ■ Exhibitors ■ Top Ops ■ Water-Tasting Contest ■ Benefit Poker Night ■ Raffle ■ Children's Poster Contest ■ Exam Prep ■ Dignitary ■ Past Chairs Breakfast ■ Awards
Call for papers
Want to present at the Fall Conference? Respond to our call for papers! The deadline for paper submissions is June 14th.
Conference overview
The Fall Conference is a combined event of the Nebraska chapters of the American Public Works Association (APWA), Water Environment Association (WEA), and American Water Works Association (AWWA).
The conference returns this year to the Younes Conference Center in Kearney.
Preconference workshop
Photos of the event site

Conference hall exterior

Banquet hall


Conference hall
Hall layout
(Layout forthcoming)
Top Ops
The Top Ops contest will again challenge participants with a wide range of questions about water treatment and distribution. The winners will go on to represent the Nebraska Section at the 2019 AWWA ACE.
Cash prizes are also on the line:
- First place: $60 per participant
- Second place: $40 per participant
- Third place: $20 per participant
Please register your team in advance!
- Top Ops flyer
- Team registration form (.pdf)
- Team registration form (.docx)
- National Top Ops rules and eligibility guidelines
Water-tasting contest
Is your water the best-tasting water in Nebraska? You won't know unless you submit a sample in the tasting contest.
Samples may be dropped off at the conference registration desk in the Younes Conference Center by noon on Wednesday, November 6th. Your water sample should be in a clean container (at least half a gallon) and at room temperature when dropped off for inclusion in the contest. Winners will be announced at the banquet.
The Public Information committee has hosted the water-tasting contest each year since 2009. Contact Mary Poe with any questions.
Benefit poker night
The Young Professionals committee will host a poker tournament. All conference attendees are invited to participate and help support Water for People. This has been a wonderful event over the last few years and we want to keep the positive momentum going.Water for People Raffle
Children's poster contest
Congratulations to the following winners of the 2019 Nebraska Section AWWA Children's Poster Contest:
1st place ($100): Jessica Montejo, student of Mrs. Hespe, Knickrehm Elementary, Grand Island
2nd place ($50): Sebastian Sosa Raya, student of Mrs. Meyer, Knickrehm Elementary, Grand Island
3rd place ($25): Jocelyn Amaya, student of Mrs. Meyer, Knickrehm Elementary, Grand Island
Honorable Mention: Angie De Orta Canela, student of Mrs. Hespe, Knickrehm Elementary, Grand Island
Honorable Mention: Brandon Rosas, student of Mrs. Meyer, Knickrehm Elementary, Grand Island
Honorable Mention: Amy Vicente Ayala, student of Mrs. Meyer, Knickrehm Elementary, Grand Island
Honorable Mention: Francis Suarez Almira, student of Mrs. Hespe, Knickrehm Elementary, Grand Island
Exam prep
Visiting dignitary
Our visiting dignitary will be Mary Gugliuzza, who currently serves as the national AWWA Public Affairs Council Chair. Mary is the Media Relations and Communications Coordinator for the City of Fort Worth Water Department in Fort Worth, TX.
Past chairs breakfast
Past Chairs of the Nebraska Section AWWA will gather for breakfast at a time and place to be announced.