Latest News
March 2025
- (Mar 21) What topics would you like us to cover at the 2025 Fall Conference? Leave your feedback in our concerns and interests survey and we'll incorporate your thoughts during our planning.
- (Mar 21) Job opening: Environmental quality program specialist at NDEE
- (Mar 14) Job opening: GIS coordinator at Beatrice
- (Mar 14) Job opening: Environmental engineer at Ames (Iowa)
- (Mar 9) The board will meet on March 11th
February 2025
- (Feb 28) AWWA has designed a new logo for the Nebraska Section, featuring a windmill as an iconic representation of Nebraska's water history. We will be rolling it out gradually across our different platforms. You will see it first in this week's Wise Water Words newsletter.
- (Feb 28) Job opening: General manager at Des Moines (Iowa) Water Works
- (Feb 23) Job opening: Water treatment plant operator at Blair
- (Feb 13) Job opening: Superintendent of water distribution at Lincoln
- (Feb 13) NDEE has published its annual calendar of water/wastewater operator training opportunities for 2025
- (Feb 13) AWWA has named six incoming officers whose terms will begin at ACE in June
- (Feb 13) The Regional Meeting of Section Officers (RMSO) will be a combined event for the northern sections this year; board members should have received the announcement email with a notice to save the date for May 1-3
- (Feb 9) Draft minutes of the January board meeting have been posted to the board page
- (Feb 4) The next meeting of the board has been scheduled for March 11th
January 2025
- (Jan 20) The board's biennial retreat has been scheduled for July 23rd
- (Jan 16) A tentative calendar of 2025 events has been posted
- (Jan 15) The agenda for the January board meeting is now available on the board page
December 2024
- (Dec 15) The Young Professionals (YP) Committee is taking leadership applications through December 27th
- (Dec 6) Reminder: Sign up for the webinar on Flow Measurement 101 hosted by the YP Committee on December 11th. Please RSVP by December 10th.
- (Dec 6) This month marks the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Safe Drinking Water Act by President Gerald Ford on December 17, 1974. AWWA has online resources available to help you mark and celebrate this important milestone anniversary.
- (Dec 3) This "Giving Tuesday", AWWA invites you to donate to the Water Equation
November 2024
- (Nov 22) The YP Committee will host a webinar on Flow Measurement 101 on December 11th; please RSVP by December 10th
- (Nov 3) All Nebraska Section AWWA members in good standing are welcome to attend the annual business meeting next week at the Fall Conference in Kearney. A full agenda will be posted to the board page prior to the meeting, and documents will be available on-site. The annual election of officers will take place at the annual business meeting.
- (Nov 1) Don't forget to bring a sample of your utility's finest tap water to the water-tasting contest at the Fall Conference
- (Nov 1) Operators: You can win cash prizes by taking part in the Top Ops contest at the Fall Conference
- (Nov 1) Committee Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) documents have been updated
October 2024
- (Oct 26) Annual committee reports should be submitted by November 1st
- (Oct 26) Bragging rights will be up for grabs at the taste test to find Nebraska's Best-Tasting Water at the Fall Conference; check the rules and make a plan to bring your sample to the conference
- (Oct 26) Operators, get your team of three together for the Top Ops competition at the Fall Conference. Cash prizes go to the top three teams!
- (Oct 18) Today is the final day to register online for the Fall Conference and get full advantage of preferred pricing
- (Oct 18) Committee chairs, please download the template and complete your committee's annual report for the board prior to our business meeting at the Fall Conference
- (Oct 18) Courtesy reminder: The AWWA State of the Water Industry survey closes on November 1st
- (Oct 13) Time is running out: Online registration for the Fall Conference closes on October 18th. After that, you'll have to register on-site at higher prices.
- (Oct 13) Vendor registration is closed for the 2024 Fall Conference: All spaces have been sold
- (Oct 13) The AWWA State of the Water Industry survey closes on November 1st: Members and non-members alike are invited to participate
- (Oct 13) Encourage your customers and stakeholders to Imagine a Day Without Water on October 17th
- (Oct 4) Keep an eye on your mailbox for a postcard reminding you to register for the Fall Conference: The advance registration deadline is October 14th
- (Oct 4) Our Fall Conference page has been updated with information on our visiting dignitary and the children's poster contest
September 2024
- (Sep 28) Last chance: Water operators, apply for the One AWWA Operator Scholarship by September 30th
- (Sep 28) AWWA has relaunched its website with a new design, and you may need to reset your password to take advantage of your account access
- (Sep 28) A reminder from AWWA: "EPA has emphasized that all community water systems and non-transient non-community water systems should be prepared to meet certain LCRR provisions on October 16th"
- (Sep 28) To guarantee a hotel room at the Fall Conference at the group rate, please make your reservation prior to October 8th; be sure to register for the conference by October 14th to get the pre-registration rate
- (Sep 26) Draft minutes of the September board meeting are available on the board page
- (Sep 24) The agenda for the September 24th board meeting has been posted to the board page
- (Sep 18) Water operators, remember to apply for the One AWWA Operator Scholarship by September 30th; the application is available on the Scholarship Committee page
- (Sep 18) Omaha will host the North American Society for Trenchless Technology's 15th Annual Trenchless Elevated Conference on February 5th
- (Sep 13) Registration for the Fall Conference is now open: Register today!
- (Sep 13) AWWA has extended the deadline for ACE-25 abstract submissions to September 26th
August 2024
- (Aug 30) AWWA is accepting abstracts for presentation at ACE-25 until September 12th
- (Aug 30) AWWA is seeking one young professional (YP) candidate to serve as an advisory member on the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors for a three-year term beginning in June 2025; applicants must be actively engaged members of AWWA under the age of 35. Please apply if that describes you!
- (Aug 24) Our 2024 Fall Conference page is up and running. Exhibitors are invited to register now; attendees will be invited to register later.
- (Aug 24) Deadline reminder: Review the invitation letter and apply for a 2024 safety award by August 30th
- (Aug 17) The YP Committee will host a webinar on Introduction to Disinfection for Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems on September 4th. Download the calendar invitation and register now to attend.
- (Aug 15) Please consider recognizing Source Water Protection Week, September 29th through October 5th
- (Aug 13) AWWA is collaborating with No Community Left Behind to gather information on water utilities collaborating or sharing operations with other utilities for increased efficiency or efficacy. If your water utility works with other water utilities, wastewater utilities, or other public utilities (such as gas, power, or solid waste) and you would like to share feedback on your experiences with collaboration, please contact Angel Lowery and she will forward your information to the association for follow-up.
- (Aug 11) Water industry professionals of all backgrounds are invited to apply for the Col. Theodore Leisen Memorial Scholarship for education and training; the application is available on the Scholarship Committee page and is due by September 27th
- (Aug 11) Water operators are invited to apply for the One AWWA Operator Scholarship by September 30th; the application is available on the Scholarship Committee page
- (Aug 11) Students interested in joining the AWWA mentoring program are invited to sign up by August 19th
- (Aug 11) Experienced water professionals interested in offering to mentor younger members of the industry are invited to sign up for the AWWA mentorship program
- (Aug 11) Water utilities are encouraged to review the EPA Drinking Water Mapping Application to Protect Source Waters to review for potential sources of contamination
- (Aug 11) The Awards and Safety Committee invites utilities to review the invitation letter and apply for a 2024 safety award; applications are due August 30th
- (Aug 4) Job opening: Environmental specialist II at NDEE (in Grand Island)
- (Aug 4) Job opening: Water/wastewater operator at Wahoo
- (Aug 4) Nominations committee report for the board election to be conducted at the annual business meeting in November
July 2024
- (Jul 21) Ben Day has shared a Director's report
- (Jul 15) The board meeting tentatively scheduled for July 16th has been cancelled; our next board meeting is scheduled for September 17th
- (Jul 14) Registration forms are now available for participants and sponsors for our annual Water for People benefit sport shooting event on September 6th
- (Jul 12) Any AWWA member in good standing and aged 35 or younger can apply to become the Young Professional Director-at-Large (DAL) on the 2025-2026 AWWA Board of Directors. Applications are due by August 15th.
June 2024
- (Jun 30) Save September 6th on your calendar now for our annual Water for People benefit sport shoot
- (Jun 30) AWWA encourages your participation in a survey to gather information on the maturity of DEI workforce development practices in water utilities across North America
- (Jun 16) Time is running out to submit your abstract to present at the 2024 Fall Conference. Please see our call for papers and respond by June 30th.
- (Jun 2) Join the Nebraska Section AWWA YPs for a webinar on pilot systems on June 5th
- (Jun 2) Job opening: NDEE environmental program specialist II in Blair
- (Jun 2) Job opening: NDEE environmental program specialist II in or near Grand Island
- (Jun 2) Reminder: The Fall Conference call for papers is open until June 30th
May 2024
- (May 16) If you'd like to become more engaged with the Nebraska Section AWWA, we are looking for new chairs to lead the Archives and Awards committees as long-time chair Rob Pierce phases into retirement. Reach out to any member of the board if you're interested in these or other leadership roles.
- (May 16) Draft minutes of the May board meeting are now available on the board page
- (May 10) Before Drinking Water Week is over, share something from our Facebook page with your friends and family
- (May 10) The deadline to sign up for the 2024 Water for People golf outing is May 15th
- (May 10) Reminder: The Fall Conference call for papers is open until June 30th
- (May 3) Steve Kelley, 1996 Nebraska Section AWWA chair and 1998 Nebraska Section AWWA Fuller Award honoree, is retiring from the City of Beatrice on May 3rd after 51 years, 9 months, and 16 days of service. We are pleased to know he plans to continue remaining active with our section into retirement. Congratulations!
- (May 3) Governor Pillen has declared May 5th through 11th as Drinking Water Week in Nebraska
- (May 2) Drinking Water Week is next week! Please share your pride in public drinking water, with your community, your friends, and your co-workers.
- (May 2) A draft agenda for the May board meeting is now available on the board page
- (May 2) AWWA has issued a statement on the EPA's final PFAS rule. Of note: "[T]he association is concerned that the rule's health and financial impacts are not accurately characterized".
- (May 2) AWWA has issued a statement on proposed legislation to "provide liability protections for water systems under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)". Of note: "The prevalence of PFAS means that drinking water and wastewater utilities, which passively receive these substances into their systems, would face CERCLA liability through their efforts to remove PFAS from water supplies and provide clean and safe water."
- (May 2) AWWA has issued a statement on a legislative proposal to form the WRRO (Water Risk and Resilience Organization) to address cybersecurity threats. Of note: "The proposed collaborative approach builds on a similar model that has already been successfully applied in the electric sector. The recommendation also aligns with calls for greater public-private collaboration included in the National Cyber Strategy."
April 2024
- (Apr 28) If you were affected, personally or professionally, by the devastating storms on Friday, April 26th, please do not hesitate to reach out to share your needs.
- (Apr 28) The call for papers for our Fall Conference is now open. Please submit your presentation proposals by June 30th.
- (Apr 28) Reminder: The gubernatorial proclamation for Drinking Water Week will be signed at the State Capitol on May 1st. Drinking Water Week in Nebraska will be celebrated May 5th through 11th.
- (Apr 19) The 2024 Water for People golf outing will be held on May 16th in Eagle. Sign up by May 15th to attend!
- (Apr 12) Drinking Water Week will be recognized May 5th through 11th in Nebraska with a gubernatorial proclamation, to be signed in a ceremony on May 1st at the State Capitol, but space is limited. Please contact Public Information committee chair Mary Poe if you are interested in attending.
- (Apr 12) The Young Professionals committee is hosting a Spring Tailgate on April 27th
March 2024
- (Mar 28) Please complete AWWA's triennial membership survey by March 29th
- (Mar 17) Join a free webinar on March 26th on "AWWA 101", presented by the Young Professionals committee
- (Mar 17) Draft minutes of the March 12th board meeting are now available
- (Mar 11) The agenda for the March board meeting has been updated on the board page
February 2024
- (Feb 25) AWWA's partnership with WEF has produced a newly-updated Work for Water job site
- (Feb 25) Water operators are encouraged to apply for a scholarship to attend ACE-24 this summer in Anaheim, California
- (Feb 23) Congratulations to Rob Pierce, 2012 Nebraska Section AWWA chair, 2017 Fuller Award honoree, and current Archives Committee and Awards Committee chair, on his retirement today!
- (Feb 12) Job opening: Water/wastewater operator at Chadron (NE)
- (Feb 3) Committee chairs are asked to submit their proposed budget requests to secretary/treasurer Angel Lowery by February 7th
- (Feb 3) A tentative agenda for the March board meeting is now available
- (Feb 3) Committee chairs are asked to submit their proposed SOP revisions to secretary/treasurer Angel Lowery by February 9th
January 2024
- (Jan 26) Job opening: Water/wastewater operator at Plattsmouth (NE) for PeopleService
- (Jan 26) The Water Utility Council has identified LB1387 as a matter of interest before the state legislature; it would revise some of the regulations currently in place related to water fluoridation
- (Jan 26) AWWA invites utilities to participate in the 2024 Utility Benchmarking Survey
- (Jan 26) CISA, EPA, and the FBI have published a new guide containing best practices for cyber incident response in the water/wastewater sector
- (Jan 8) The board will meet via videoconference on January 16th
December 2023
- (Dec 15) The EPA has published a video of a webinar on the recent PLC hacking event targeting American water and wastewater utilities
- (Dec 15) We have updated the pages listing our board officers and committee chairs; if you serve in a role, please check to make sure your contact information is correctly listed
- (Dec 8) Job opening: Water/wastewater treatment instructor at Des Moines (IA) Area Community College
- (Dec 1) Young professionals are invited to apply for a scholarship to attend the 2024 WEF/AWWA YP Summit (deadline is December 4th)
- (Dec 1) The AWWA Water Matters Fly-In has been moved to April 9th and 10th
November 2023
- (Nov 17) Job opening: Public works director at Blair, Nebraska
- (Nov 17) The EPA will host a public webinar on November 21st to discuss "a Request for Information (RFI) regarding products used in water infrastructure projects that receive federal financial assistance and are subject to the Build America, Buy America Act (BABA) requirements"
- (Nov 17) The EPA will host a webinar on December 12th under the title "How to Prepare Your Utility for Disasters: A Webinar for Very Small Drinking Water Systems that Serve Under 3,301 People"
- (Nov 10) Our list of current standing committees and chairpersons has been updated subsequent to the annual business meeting
- (Nov 9) The board officers elected, elevated, or carried over at the annual business meeting have been updated on the officers page
- (Nov 1) Draft minutes of the 2023 annual business meeting are now available on the board page
- (Nov 1) Draft minutes of the November board meeting are now available on the board page
October 2023
- (Oct 29) Marc Rosso shares a report from the Chair
- (Oct 29) Ben Day offers a report from the Director
- (Oct 27) The Fall Conference is coming next week -- be sure to join us in Kearney for the biggest conference of the year, along with our partners from NWEA, APWA, and SWANA. You can still register in-person!
- (Oct 27) Sign up now to compete in Top Ops at the 2023 Fall Conference -- space is limited to the first six teams who register, and the top three teams are guaranteed to win cash prizes
- (Oct 27) Plan now to be sure someone from your utility brings a sample for the water-tasting contest at the Fall Conference
- (Oct 27) Job opening: Wastewater agency administrator at Sarpy County, Nebraska
- (Oct 26) Due to an unexpected vacancy on the board, the Nominations committee has issued a revised report and recommended slate of candidates for consideration at the annual business meeting
- (Oct 20) Today is the last day for discounted online registration for the 2023 Fall Conference
- (Oct 20) Annual reports are due from officers and committee chairs by October 25th
- (Oct 20) Be sure to sign up to compete in Top Ops at the 2023 Fall Conference -- only the first six teams will be allowed to enter!
- (Oct 20) Make a plan now to bring a sample to enter in the water-tasting contest at the 2023 Fall Conference
- (Oct 13) The early-bird discount to register for the Fall Conference has been extended to October 20th -- act now!
- (Oct 13) Committee chairs are kindly reminded to please submit annual committee reports for the annual business meeting by October 25th; please contact Brian Gongol if you need a copy of the template
- (Oct 13) Job opening: Water plant operator at Blair, Nebraska
- (Oct 9) We have received a letter of thanks from Water For People in recognition of our recent $2,640 donation in support of their work
September 2023
- (Sep 30) Space is limited to just the first six teams who sign up to compete in Top Ops at the 2023 Fall Conference -- make sure to sign up ahead of the conference to be sure you get a spot!
- (Sep 29) Remember to bring a sample to the Fall Conference for the contest to name the Best Drinking Water in Nebraska. Find the contest rules on the Fall Conference page and see if your utility can join the roster of past winners.
- (Sep 29) October is CISA's Cybersecurity Awareness Month
- (Sep 29) Our benefit shoot raised $700 for Water for People
- (Sep 22) Job opening: Senior water plant/system specialist at Pierre, South Dakota
- (Sep 22) A draft agenda for the annual business meeting (to be held on Nov. 1) is now available on the board page
- (Sep 15) The time is now to register for our Fall Conference!
- (Sep 11) The Young Professionals committee is hosting a stream cleanup and happy hour in Omaha on September 15th
- (Sep 8) Apply for the One AWWA Operator Scholarship by September 30th for an opportunity to earn $1,000 for training and education
- (Sep 8) Join us for the 2023 Fall Conference preconference event on October 31st (flyer) (registration)
- (Sep 8) Approved minutes from the May board meeting have been posted
- (Sep 8) Draft minutes from the September board meeting have been posted
- (Sep 8) Job opening: Water superintendent at Pierre, South Dakota
- (Sep 8) Job opening: Operations management engineer at Rapid City, South Dakota
- (Sep 1) The deadline to register for the sporting clays shoot is September 14th
- (Sep 1) An agenda for the board meeting tentatively scheduled for September 7th is now available on the board page
August 2023
- (Aug 25) The annual sporting clays shoot to benefit Water for People is coming September 15th
- (Aug 25) Job opening: Water system operator at Kearney, Nebraska (deadline September 7th)
- (Aug 18) AWWA is offering a webinar on recent settlement offers emerging from PFAS litigation. This litigation could have important consequences for most water utilities, whether or not they are directly involved as parties to the cases.
- (Aug 18) Less than two weeks remain until award nominations are due
- (Aug 9) Save the date for our joint Fall Conference with NWEA, SWANA, and APWA in Kearney, starting with a pre-conference on October 31st and lasting straight through November 3rd
- (Aug 4) Award nominations are due August 31st
- (Aug 4) Job opening: Environmental program specialist II at NDEE (closes August 14th)
July 2023
- (Jul 24) Utility members are asked to check their inboxes for an important update from AWWA on the status of DWSRF funding in Congress
- (Jul 13) Check out Nebraska's page in the "Water 2050" yearbook, assembled by AWWA for the Water 2050 project
- (Jul 7) The nominations committee report is available for all members to review prior to the November election
- (Jul 6) Young professionals are invited to an informative free webinar about membership on July 21st
June 2023
- (Jun 26) Just four days left to submit an abstract to deliver a presentation at our Fall Conference
- (Jun 22) Time is running out! You have until June 30th to respond to our call for papers for the 2023 Fall Conference, scheduled for November 1st and 2nd in Kearney.
- (Jun 11) Save the date for the Water for People sporting clays shoot fundraiser event on September 15th
- (Jun 9) The water samples have been delivered, and Metropolitan Utilities District will represent Nebraska in the "Best of the Best Taste Test" at AWWA-ACE in Toronto next week
May 2023
- (May 25) Job opening: Program manager at the Wichita State University Environmental Finance Center
- (May 19) Funeral arrangements for Rich Koenig have been announced
- (May 18) Draft minutes of the May 2023 board meeting are now available on the board page
- (May 17) The Nebraska Section AWWA mourns the passing of Rich Koenig, a past chairperson and Fuller Award recipient. Information on arrangements is not available at this time but will be shared upon receipt.
- (May 14) Draft minutes of the March 2023 board meeting are now available on the board page
- (May 12) Officers and committee chairs are kindly reminded to submit their reports for the upcoming board meeting no later than Wednesday at noon
- (May 12) Our call for papers is out for the 2023 Fall Conference, scheduled for November 1st and 2nd in Kearney; due date is June 30th
- (May 5) Be sure your whole community knows it's Drinking Water Week in Nebraska and nationwide, May 7th through May 13th: Celebrate with your customers and share great informative resources
- (May 5) Drinking Water Week proclamation
- (May 5) A draft agenda for the May 18th board meeting is available on the board page
- (May 5) Remarks on the proclamation of Drinking Water Week, prepared by Marc Rosso and delivered by John Keith on May 4th
April 2023
- (Apr 21) Drinking Water Week 2023 is coming up May 7th through 13th; be sure to get your downloadable materials and look at ways you can celebrate
- (Apr 21) The Drinking Water Week proclamation signing ceremony will be held on May 4th at 9:00 am at the State Capitol; space is limited, so contact Mary Poe if you would like to attend
- (Apr 10) The Philanthropy committee is hosting the annual Water for People golf fundraiser on May 18th
- (Apr 10) The Young Professionals committee is hosting a YP tailgate at the Nebraska spring game on April 22nd
March 2023
- (Mar 13) The final agenda for the March 14th board meeting has been posted (with attachments) to the board page
- (Mar 10) Please take 5 minutes to respond to our Water 2050 survey -- you don't have to answer every question! Just pick a few that matter to you and share your candid response.
- (Mar 3) Final reminder: Act now to return your ballots on the proposed changes to our section bylaws -- the deadline is March 7th! Please scan your marked ballot and email the image to or return the ballot by mail.
February 2023
- (Feb 14) The preliminary agenda for the March board meeting is now available
- (Feb 10) Please remember to return your ballots on the proposed changes to our section bylaws by March 7th
- (Feb 10) Your feedback on our Water 2050 survey is still needed
- (Feb 3) Members, please review the proposed changes to our section bylaws. Be on the lookout for a ballot mailed to you to get your vote on these amendments. Please scan your marked ballot and email the image to or return the ballot by mail.
- (Feb 3) Please read about our Water 2050 survey and take the survey
January 2023
- (Jan 27) Draft minutes of the January board meeting are now available on the board page
- (Jan 27) Members, please review the proposed changes to our bylaws
- (Jan 20) Utilities should be alert to an EPA notice regarding a supply-chain disruption at a major producer of potassium permanganate and sodium permanganate products; AWWA utility members should have already received a complete advisory on the matter
- (Jan 20) Read Marc Rosso's report from the chair
- (Jan 6) The agenda for the January 24 board meeting is now available
- (Jan 5) Southeast Community College is offering two introductory courses for operators ("Introduction to Wastewater" and "Introduction to Drinking Water Treatment"), starting January 9th. Both courses will be offered online.
December 2022
- (Dec 21) We have a new mailing address: Effective immediately, please use PO Box 83743, Lincoln, NE 68501-3743 for any postal mail now and in the future
- (Dec 12) Water operators (grades I-IV) at small systems (under 10,000 people) are invited to register for a free one-day workshop on December 14th at Camp Carol Joy Holling in Ashland
- (Dec 2) The 2023 schedule of board meetings is now available
- (Dec 2) Draft minutes of the November 2022 board meeting are now available
October 2022
- (Oct 28) Minutes from the 2021 business meeting have been posted to the board page
- (Oct 28) Members are invited to attend the annual business meeting at the Fall Conference; the agenda is now available on the board page
- (Oct 28) The agenda for the November board meeting is now available
- (Oct 28) Sign up now to reserve your spot in Top Ops at the Fall Conference
- (Oct 28) Don't forget to bring a sample to the Fall Conference to enter in the contest to name 2022's Best-Tasting Water in Nebraska
- (Oct 21) Fall Conference is less than two weeks away: Have you made a plan to bring a sample for the water-tasting contest?
- (Oct 21) Don't wait for the Fall Conference -- sign up now to participate on one of up to eight (8) teams of three (3) people each in Top Ops
- (Oct 21) Committee chairs: Have you submitted your annual reports yet?
- (Oct 7) Add the one-day pre-conference seminar on project funding to your Fall Conference experience and get another 4.75 CEU credits for water or wastewater on November 1st -- the cost is just $100
- (Oct 7) Fall Conference registrants: Remember to reserve your t-shirt -- free when you sign up to attend the AWWA portion of the conference. Shirts are for pick-up at the conference only (they won't be shipped!), but we need you to reserve your size so we have the right number available.
- (Oct 7) Today is the last day to sign up to be a mentor to our student members looking into water careers
- (Oct 7) Committee chairs, please submit your annual reports to the board by October 19th
- (Oct 7) Watch your mailbox for a reminder invitation to our Fall Conference
September 2022
- (Sep 30) Members attending the Fall Conference are eligible to pick up a free t-shirt honoring our 75th anniversary. Please visit the online store and check out with your personal details to register your size. Shirts will be available for pick-up only and will not be shipped.
- (Sep 30) Spread the word about our poster contest for children, to be judged at our Fall Conference for cash prizes
- (Sep 30) Sign up by October 7th to be a mentor
- (Sep 30) The deadline to apply for AWWA scholarships is December 21st
- (Sep 23) Draft minutes of the September 2022 board meeting are now available
- (Sep 23) Approved minutes of the July 2022 board meeting are now available
- (Sep 23) The EPA is offering updates on railroad transportation due to the continued risk of labor actions that could affect the shipment of chlorine products used in water and wastewater treatment
- (Sep 23) Members may find use in EPA updates on water/wastewater sector supply chain resilience and current supply-chain disruptions
- (Sep 22) Fall Conference registration is now open to both attendees and exhibitors
- (Sep 21) Our Fall Conference partners at NWEA are hosting a membership information session on October 4th
- (Sep 14) Applications for the One AWWA Operator Scholarship are due by the end of the day on September 15th; two scholarships will be awarded for general operator education, and two will be awarded for Fall Conference attendance
- (Sep 14) Committee chairs are reminded to please submit reports to the secretary prior to the September 15th board meeting
- (Sep 6) The September board meeting agenda is now available
- (Sep 2) Join the Water for People benefit sporting clays shoot on September 16th
- (Sep 2) To celebrate our section's 75th anniversary, we are reaching out to say thank you to our members and raising awareness of the benefits of AWWA membership
August 2022
- (Aug 22) Register today for the Water for People sporting clays shoot on September 16th
- (Aug 22) Sponsorship opportunities are still available for the Water for People sporting clays shoot
- (Aug 20) There's still time to show someone else you respect and admire their service to the water industry by nominating them for an award to be presented at the Fall Conference -- act now!
- (Aug 20) Job opening: Environmental engineer at the Iowa Department of Natural Resources
- (Aug 17) An updated edition of the Leisen scholarship application is now available on the Scholarship Committee page (deadline is September 30th)
- (Aug 12) Job opening: System specialist II at Lincoln (NE) Water System (closes August 14th)
- (Aug 12) Draft minutes from the July board meeting have been posted
- (Aug 12) Final minutes from the May board meeting have been posted
- (Aug 12) Operators are invited to apply by September 15th for the One AWWA Operator Schlarship, worth $1,000 towards operator training and education
- (Aug 12) Southeast Community College is offering two online courses related to our membership (Intro to Wastewater and Intro to Drinking Water Treatment), starting August 22nd
July 2022
- (Jul 18) Craig Reinsch has shared a new report from the chair
- (Jul 18) Have you nominated a co-worker or a colleague for an award?
- (Jul 15) The Nominations Committee report for 2022 lists the individuals who will be nominated for election to roles as officers at our business meeting in November
- (Jul 15) The July board meeting agenda is now available
- (Jul 8) The deadline to submit ads for the Nebraska Section AWWA history book has been extended to July 22nd
- (Jul 8) The Fall Conference call for papers deadline has been extended to July 18th
June 2022
- (Jun 25) Time is running out -- Submit your papers for the Fall Conference by June 30th
- (Jun 2) Save the date: Water for People charity shooting event on September 16th
May 2022
- (May 27) Director's report from Teresa Konda
- (May 26) Draft minutes from the May board meeting have been posted
- (May 20) Chair's report from Craig Reinsch
- (May 19) There are lots of benefits to AWWA membership -- join us today!
- (May 17) The May board meeting will start at 9:30 am on May 19th, rather than 9:00 as was previously posted
- (May 13) The 2022 Fall Conference Call for Papers is open now until June 30th
- (May 13) The agenda for the May board meeting is now available
- (May 6) Golf for a good cause at the Water for People golf event on May 19th
- (May 6) My AWWA Story: Marc Rosso
April 2022
- (Apr 15) My AWWA Story: Craig Reinsch
- (Apr 15) Early bird registration for ACE closes on April 22nd; rates are higher after the early-bird period closes
March 2022
- (Mar 31) The Archives Committee wants a brief history of your water utility for publication; please submit by April 30th
- (Mar 31) Please join us for the Drinking Water Week proclamation signing ceremony in Lincoln on April 4th
- (Mar 27) Registration is now open for the Water Utility Workshop on May 10th
- (Mar 13) The agenda for the March 14th board meeting has been posted
- (Mar 4) AWWA will host an "infrastructure pep rally" webinar on March 15th to discuss funding opportunities for water utilities; all AWWA members are welcome to attend
- (Mar 4) We will host a water utility workshop on May 10th
- (Mar 4) Job opening: Utilities director at McCook (NE)
- (Mar 4) Please submit agenda items for the March board meeting to Ryan Hurst
- (Mar 4) Congratulations to our 2021 Children's Poster Contest winners
February 2022
- (Feb 18) Congratulations to our most recent class of scholarship winners
- (Feb 16) Job opening: Water/wastewater supervisor at Wahoo (NE)
- (Feb 11) Our jobs page features a number of current opportunities both in Nebraska and in surrounding states
- (Feb 11) Apply to join an AWWA council or committee by March 1st
- (Feb 11) Learn about the water-related resources in the US Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act
- (Feb 11) Our events calendar now includes most of the national conferences and major events in addition to our Nebraska Section activities
- (Feb 4) Join us in recognizing Chadron, Beatrice, Norfolk, and Aurora for their 2021 safety awards
January 2022
- (Jan 14) The agenda for the January board meeting is now available
- (Jan 14) Officers and committee chairs are asked to submit their reports to the secretary by Wednesday, January 19th
- (Jan 12) Job opening: Water/sewer director at Norfolk (NE)
- (Jan 7) Help plan how our section will celebrate our 75th anniversary
- (Jan 7) Utilities can apply for the AWWA Wendell Ladue Utility Safety Award until February 14th
December 2021
- (Dec 10) Congratulations to our 2021 WISA honorees: Jim McGowen, Chuck Sliva, John Grimes, and Terry Derr
November 2021
- (Nov 29) AWWA is raising funds for the Water Equation this Giving Tuesday (Nov. 30th)
- (Nov 24) Congratulations to the MUD Platte South plant, our 2021 Best-Tasting Water Champion
- (Nov 19) Congratulations to John Keith, our 2021 Volunteer of the Year
- (Nov 12) Job opening: Water/wastewater operator in Wahoo (NE)
- (Nov 3) Congratulations to Chad Roberts (our 2021 Fuller Award honoree), John Keith (our 2021 volunteer of the year), and the MUD Platte South WTP (winner of our Best-Tasting Water Contest)
- (Nov 3) The 2021 Fall Conference is underway in Kearney. Join us for education, awards, section business, and socializing
October 2021
- (Oct 29) Please attend the annual business meeting of the Nebraska Section at the Fall Conference; among other items, we will elect officers for the next year
- (Oct 29) The agenda for the 2021 annual business meeting is available on the board page
- (Oct 29) The agenda for the November board meeting is available on the board page
- (Oct 29) Draft minutes of the 2020 business meeting are available on the board page for review prior to approval at the 2021 business meeting
- (Oct 29) The Fall Conference is next week! Please plan ahead for contests like Top Ops and the water-tasting contest, and be ready to join us for the benefit poker tournament.
- (Oct 26) Annual reports are still needed from about a dozen committees; chairs are asked to please submit your annual report this week
- (Oct 26) Is your water the best-tasting water in Nebraska? You won't know unless you submit a sample in the tasting contest at the Fall Conference in Kearney on November 3rd!
- (Oct 25) Don't wait any longer -- register now for the Fall Conference to get the early-bird discount
- (Oct 15) Discounted early registration for the Fall Conference has been extended through October 25th -- register now
- (Oct 15) Committee chairs: Please submit your annual report prior to the Fall Conference
- (Oct 8) Register now for the Fall Conference -- early registration is cheaper than on-site, but payment for early registration is due by October 18th
September 2021
- (Sep 30) Job opening: Water operator I at Papillion (NE)
- (Sep 30) Job opening: Water operator II at Papillion (NE)
- (Sep 24) Source Water Protection Week is September 26th through October 2nd; check out the suggested activities you can use to promote safe source water
- (Sep 24) Undergraduate and graduate students looking to attend college starting in Fall 2022 should apply by December 20th for the AWWA scholarship program; eligible programs include engineering, water studies, policy, communications, technology, finance, legal, and water research
- (Sep 24) Nominations for many AWWA membership awards are due October 1st
- (Sep 24) Students have a limited-time opportunity to join AWWA for just $10 by entering the promo code "STU10" at
- (Sep 17) Individual registration for the Fall Conference is now open
- (Sep 13) It's never too soon to start thinking about award nominations: Check out the Awards Committee page for applications
- (Sep 13) The agenda for the September 13th board meeting has been posted to the board page
- (Sep 2) Exhibitor registration for the Fall Conference is now open
- (Sep 1) Operators are encouraged to apply for the One AWWA Operator Scholarship for up to $1,000 applicable to training and education (deadline October 8th)
- (Sep 1) Apply for the Col. Theodore Leisen Memorial scholarship, established to encourage water industry professionals to obtain additional training and encourage graduate and undergraduate students to choose the water industry as their field of work (deadline October 8th)
August 2021
- (Aug 20) The YP-led stream cleanup at Elmwood Park in Omaha is tomorrow, starting at 8:00 am
- (Aug 20) Registration is open for the Water for People benefit shoot on September 17th
- (Aug 20) The deadline to submit an abstract for ACE22 is September 9th; reviewing a presentation on how to get accepted may help your chances at becoming part of the program
- (Aug 20) Online courses for water (ENER-2555-WBCE) and wastewater (ENER-2550-WBCE) certification prep at Southeast Community College begin August 23rd
- (Aug 20) The SOP for the archives committee has been posted on the main committees page; if you are interested in joining the committee, please contact Rob Pierce
- (Aug 4) Final minutes from the May and June board meetings, and draft minutes from the August meeting, are now available on the board page
- (Aug 2) The agenda for the August 3rd board meeting and the minutes from the May and June meetings have been posted to the board page
July 2021
- (Jul 30) Last chance to apply for a safety award -- due July 31st!
- (Jul 30) Nominate someone for the John Lechner award of excellence -- an AWWA award to recognize an individual consultant, distributor, salesperson, contractor, or manufacturer who has demonstrated exemplary service to the drinking water community
- (Jul 23) The YP committee is hosting a stream cleanup event on August 21st
- (Jul 23) AWWA has adopted a revised policy on diversity and inclusion
- (Jul 9) Job opening: Wastewater technician for the Nebraska Rural Water Association
- (Jul 9) AWWA has shared the opening general session video from ACE 21: "You know you work in water when..."
- (Jul 9) In conjuction with NOAA and NIDIS, AWWA is conducting a webinar series on the drought in the western United States
- (Jul 9) Apply by August 15th to be a candidate for AWWA President-Elect, Vice President (four positions), and Director-at-Large of the overall organization in 2022; contact Carole Haracourt at AWWA for details
- (Jul 2) Draft minutes of the section leadership retreat are now available on the board page
June 2021
- (Jun 25) Last call: If you would like to present at the Fall Conference, please respond to the call for papers by June 30th
- (Jun 25) Job opening: Water/wastewater inspector at Brookings (SD)
- (Jun 25) Job opening: WTP foreman at Watertown (SD)
- (Jun 25) Job opening: Facilities operations coordinator at Lincoln (NE)
- (Jun 23) The agenda for the June section leadership retreat is now available on the board page
- (Jun 18) Those planning to attend the 2021 Section Retreat on June 30th should RSVP to Marc Rosso
- (Jun 18) Links to the job boards for our neighboring AWWA sections have been added to our jobs page
- (Jun 9) Reminder: AWWA's ACE21 All Virtual conference begins on June 14th
- (Jun 9) Job opening: Plant manager in Worthington (MN)
- (Jun 2) Save September 17th on your calendar for the annual Water for People benefit sporting clay shoot
May 2021
- (May 28) Preview our June 30th section retreat
- (May 28) Job opening: Environmental engineer at Sioux Falls (SD)
- (May 21) Share your technical knowledge with others at our 2021 Fall Conference: Our call for papers is out, and submissions are due by June 30th
- (May 14) Save the date for our Fall Conference: Preconference on Nov. 2nd, and AWWA sessions on Nov. 3rd and 4th
- (May 14) AWWA CEO David LaFrance comment to NPR: "Those pipes are all coming of age, and they all need to be replaced."
- (May 7) The agenda for the May 10th board meeting is now available; committee chairs are reminded to please submit reports to the board secretary prior to the meeting
- (May 3) Drinking Water Week is underway! Celebrate and spread the word with your friends, family, and the public at large by liking and sharing our section's posts on Facebook or Twitter, and feel free to add a comment of your own.
April 2021
- (Apr 30) The annual Drinking Water Week proclamation has designated next week as Drinking Water Week in Nebraska
- (Apr 30) Please be sure to mark Drinking Water Week May 2-8 with the help of suggestions from AWWA and share images and messages with your friends and family via social media
- (Apr 29) The 2021 Water for People golf outing will be held on May 20th -- register now!
- (Apr 23) Job opening: WTP operator in Selby (SD)
- (Apr 23) Job opening: Water supply specialist with NDEE
- (Apr 23) The water sector is conducting a widespread survey of utilities to get the big picture on cybersecurity; all utilities are invited to complete the anonymous survey by April 28th
- (Apr 23) The annual section leadership retreat has been scheduled for June 30th in Lincoln
- (Apr 9) Registration is now open for the Water Infrastructure Conference in September
- (Apr 9) Job opening: Environmental engineer at the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy
- (Apr 9) AWWA is conducting a virtual fundraising walk for the Water Equation from April 2nd to May 28th
- (Apr 2) AWWA and USDA are offering three free virtual continuing-education events for small systems, on April 13-14, April 27-28, and May 11-12
- (Apr 2) Board members are reminded to respond to the survey about scheduling a date for our section's leadership retreat
March 2021
- (Mar 26) The safety committee invites you to apply for a safety award; the deadline is July 31st
- (Mar 26) Registration is open for the all-virtual ACE-21
- (Mar 26) Job opening: Water and natural gas construction supervisor at Wahoo (NE)
- (Mar 19) AWWA has announced that ACE21 will be held as an all-virtual event
- (Mar 19) Approved minutes from the January board meeting have been posted to the board page
- (Mar 5) The March board meeting will be held virtually on March 8th at 12:30; committee chairs are asked to submit their reports to Ryan Hurst prior to that time
- (Mar 5) Draft minutes of the January board meeting are now available
- (Mar 5) The EPA is hosting a webinar series for small systems on the last Tuesday of each month
- (Mar 5) The Community Engineering Corps (at the national level) is seeking members for its technical review committee
- (Mar 1) In case you missed it: The cyberattack on a Florida WTP is a reminder that AWWA members have access to cybersecurity tools for the water sector, including some designated for small systems
February 2021
- (Feb 5) The CDC will offer a free webinar on February 10th to address COVID-19 vaccination in the water sector; pre-registration is required
- (Feb 5) AWWA is hosting a virtual summit on sustainable water management, PFAS, and waterborne pathogens on February 10th and 11th
January 2021
- (Jan 29) SOPs have been updated for some officers and committee chairs. If you are serving in one of these roles, please check and make sure your SOP is current.
- (Jan 29) Job opening: Water supply specialist at NDHHS
- (Jan 22) NET highlighted a story on water testing conducted by students at Freeman Public Schools in Adams as one of their "Best of 2020"
- (Jan 22) Job opening: Water distribution specialist at Lincoln County RWS (SD)
- (Jan 22) Job opening: Project manager at Midwest Assistance Program
- (Jan 22) Reminder to mentors: Please make sure your contact information on our mentoring page is current
- (Jan 22) Job opening: Utilities assistant at Yutan (NE)
- (Jan 15) Updated: Section officers for 2021
- (Jan 11) Job opening: Water superintendent at Watertown (SD)
- (Jan 11) Job opening: Maintenance worker at Beatrice (NE)
December 2020
- (Dec 18) Please take a few moments to participate in an online survey to help the USGS and state agencies determine the costs and benefits of geological mapping
- (Dec 18) There are still lots of free face masks available through the NE-WARN distribution program -- just complete and return the request form to get yours
- (Dec 18) The January 2021 board meeting agenda is available; committee chairs, please send reports in advance
- (Dec 15) Registration is now open for ACE-21
- (Dec 10) Relive the awards ceremony from our 2020 Virtual Fall Conference
- (Dec 8) View the winning entries in our 2020 children's poster contest
November 2020
- (Nov 23) Job opening: Utilities director at El Dorado (KS)
- (Nov 15) The Nebraska Section AWWA mourns the passing of Jim Wells, who was our 2015 Fuller Award honoree and our 1980 Section Chair; we are advised that a memorial service will be held on November 21st at 10 am CT at Standing Stone Bible Church (321 South Highway 6 in Gretna) and streamed online
- (Nov 11) Happy Veterans Day and thanks to all who have served. If you know a veteran looking for a new work opportunity, let them know that the water sector is a great fit for vets.
October 2020
- (Oct 30) The Fall Conference is next week from November 4th to the 6th; be sure to register in advance and download the Whova app prior to the conference
- (Oct 30) All current members of the Nebraska Section AWWA are invited to attend the annual business meeting on November 2nd at 1:00 pm, to be conducted via videoconference. Members were emailed a password-protected link to the Zoom meeting and the agenda is available now. If you need the password, contact any member of the board.
- (Oct 30) Draft minutes of the October 26th board meeting have been posted to the board page
- (Oct 26) Committee chairs are urged to return their annual reports (using the report template) by October 30th
- (Oct 26) Sporting clay shoot raises almost $1,500 for Water for People
- (Oct 26) Ryan Hurst shares fall maintenance tips from NEWARN
- (Oct 26) Reminder: The training session for Fall Conference presenters and moderators will be held on October 27th at 10 am
- (Oct 23) Participants in this year's virtual Fall Conference should download the Whova app to make the most of the experience
- (Oct 23) AWWA invites you to participate in the State of the Water Industry survey, which closes on November 20th
- (Oct 23) Annual reports from officers and committee chairs are due on October 30th
- (Oct 23) Draft minutes of the October 13th board meeting are available
- (Oct 23) The Nebraska Section's annual business meeting will be conducted via password-protected videoconference this year on November 2nd (prior to the Fall Conference); the required password will be sent to current members via email
- (Oct 16) Register now for the Fall Conference -- early-bird pricing is good until October 28th
- (Oct 16) Last call for vendors: Fall Conference exhibitor registration closes on October 20th, or when all spots are full
- (Oct 9) Individual registration for the Fall Conference is now open
- (Oct 9) One of the Fall Conference planning subcommittees is conducting a study on the best ways to keep people engaged in the conference, and you are invited to take part in the free on-demand, virtual 5-hour workshop available for the next week
- (Oct 7) The deadline for vendors to register for the Fall Conference has been extended to October 20th
- (Oct 2) Draft minutes of the September 28th board meeting are now available
- (Oct 2) AWWA is hosting a webinar on October 16th on the anticipated release of the EPA's final Lead and Copper Rule
- (Oct 2) Senior managers and in-house counsel at water utilities are asked to take part in AWWA's survey on "legal challenges for water utilities"; members should have received a link via email
September 2020
- (Sep 23) Apply for the One AWWA Operator Scholarship by October 15th
- (Sep 23) Applications for the Leisen Scholarship will be accepted until October 9th; see the Scholarship Committee page for all current scholarship application forms
- (Sep 15) Our friends with the Nebraska WEA are hosting a special screening and virtual panel discussion about the new documentary "Brave Blue World" on September 28th; RSVP to get the free invitation
- (Sep 15) Draft minutes of the August 31st board meeting are now available
- (Sep 15) Draft minutes of the September 14th board meeting are now available
- (Sep 15) New job: Director of water production at the Des Moines (IA) Water Works
- (Sep 4) AWWA will host a Virtual Summit and Auction later this month -- register now, donate an auction item, and prepare to participate
August 2020
- (Aug 21) AWWA is hosting a free webinar on "Legal Issues Surrounding the Return of Workers and Contractors Post-Quarantine" today at noon Central Time
- (Aug 3) The report of the nominations committee has named its recommended slate of candidates for election to the board; the vote will take place during our business meeting in November
- (Aug 3) Sign up now for the Water for People Benefit Sport Clay Shoot on September 18th
July 2020
- (Jul 30) The Fall Conference call for papers has been extended to August 21st
- (Jul 27) Draft minutes of the July 23rd board meeting have been posted
- (Jul 24) Mentors and proteges are invited to sign up for the mentoring program
- (Jul 20) Upcoming board meetings have been scheduled
- (Jul 10) Minutes from the July 6th board meeting have been posted
- (Jul 9) Nominate someone for the Operator's Meritorious Service Award; see the full list of nomination forms on our awards page
- (Jul 8) The Nebraska Section - AWWA is seeking award nominations; if you have any questions, contact Doug Woodbeck (Doug.Woodbeck //at//
- (Jul 3) Happy Independence Day weekend, and thanks to all of the water workers who sacrifice holidays and time with family and friends to ensure the safety of public drinking water supplies, 365 days a year
- (Jul 3) The deadline to submit an abstract for the 2021 AWWA/WEF Utility Management Conference has been extended to July 17th
- (Jul 3) AWWA is offering online operator certification courses this fall
- (Jul 2) All in-person Regional Meetings of Section Officers (RMSOs) have been cancelled for 2020; a virtual event for our region will take place on October 20
June 2020
- (Jun 26) AWWA will host a virtual gavel-passing ceremony on June 30th to welcome incoming president Melissa Elliott
- (Jun 24) Draft minutes from the two board meetings in June have been posted
- (Jun 22) The Water for People Global Mosaic Challenge has been extended through June 30th
- (Jun 19) Job opening: Water/wastewater supervisor at Wahoo (Neb.)
- (Jun 12) The Fall Conference is going virtual this year
- (Jun 12) The Fall Conference call for papers has been revised and the deadline extended to July 1st
- (Jun 10) Updated Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are needed from the Archives, Audit, Education, Fuller Award, MAC, Students, Safety, Top Ops, TWS, Utility Council, and CEC committees; please respond by June 15th
- (Jun 3) Join the Water for People Global Mosaic Challenge
- (Jun 2) The agenda for the special June 5th board meeting has been posted
May 2020
- (May 26) Please respond to the Fall Conference survey by May 28th; your input will help guide important decisions about the conference in this year of challenging circumstances
- (May 26) Save September 18th for the WFP fall benefit shoot
- (May 26) Draft minutes of the May board meeting are available on the board page
- (May 26) The board will hold a special meeting on June 5th to discuss Fall Conference planning
- (May 26) The July 23rd board meeting has been scheduled as a videoconference
- (May 26) Updated committee SOPs are needed by June 15th for consideration at the July board meeting; leaders of the archives, audit, education, Fuller Award, MAC, student, safety, Top Ops, TWS, Utility Council, and CEC committees are asked to send updates
- (May 26) Final minutes from the March board meeting are now posted on the board page
- (May 19) Draft minutes from the March board meeting are now posted on the board page
- (May 18) Your input is needed for the Fall Conference: Please respond to our short survey asking about your plans
- (May 18) Committee chairs are asked to submit their reports for the board meeting to be held this week
- (May 18) New job opening: Water operations manager at Sioux Falls (SD)
- (May 13) Washable cloth face masks are available through NE-WARN
April 2020
- (Apr 30) The Safety Committee invites you to apply for a 2020 utility safety award; apply by July 31st
- (Apr 29) The May board meeting will be conducted via videoconference
- (Apr 23) AWWA is offering a complimentary webinar on April 24th at 12pm CT on "COVID-19 Implications to Operations, Compliance, and Training"; registration is required
- (Apr 22) The Water for People golf fundraiser has been postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic; please watch our events calendar for a rescheduled date
- (Apr 17) Want to present at the Fall Conference? Respond to our call for papers! Please respond by June 12th.
- (Apr 15) The Regional Meeting of Section Officers (RMSO) for Region 3 (including Nebraska) has been cancelled, and AWWA has advised that Region 3 section officers are welcome to attend the Region 4 RMSO in Midway, Utah, instead; it is scheduled for August 21-22
- (Apr 9) To protect public health, AWWA has cancelled ACE20
- (Apr 9) Please feel free to share our social-media posts on hand-washing, either from our Facebook page or our Twitter account
March 2020
- (Mar 27) AWWA has shared a COVID-19 update page, including information on the status of ACE20
- (Mar 23) AWWA has shared a free webinar on "Utility actions to sustain operations during COVID-19"
- (Mar 20) The YP tour of the Missouri River Water Resource Recovery Facility has been postponed due to COVID-19
- (Mar 19) Operator training is postponed due to COVID-19
- (Mar 19) Using NE-WARN to respond to COVID-19
- (Mar 18) The RMSO scheduled for April in Bloomington, Minnesota, has been postponed
- (Mar 18) Press release: America's drinking water supplies remain a safe and affordable way to access the water needed for drinking, cooking, and maintaining personal hygiene during the COVID-19 outbreak
- (Mar 18) Job opening: Water operations manager at Sioux Falls (SD)
- (Mar 18) Job opening: Water plant operations specialist at Yankton (SD)
- (Mar 17) The ceremony planned for April 6th to proclaim Drinking Water Week has been cancelled; the proclamation will be signed and distributed without a ceremony
- (Mar 17) Drinking Water Week will be celebrated May 3-9; make your plans and get your materials now
- (Mar 13) Past chair Milo Rust is retiring
- (Mar 13) Report from the membership summit
- (Mar 13) The March board meeting has moved to a conference call
- (Mar 4) Interested in serving as a section officer?
February 2020
- (Feb 28) It's time to nominate people for industry awards
- (Feb 21) Job opening: Technical assistance provider at Midwest Assistance Program (SD)
- (Feb 21) Committee chairs and officers are reminded to submit updated SOPs as soon as possible
- (Feb 14) Job opening: Water supply specialist at NDHHS/NDEE
January 2020
- (Jan 30) Dr. Nancy Love will present "Rethinking America's Urban Water Infrastructure: Resource Efficiency, Access, and Public Health" on January 31st at 11am at UNL, with options to view the presentation in Omaha and streamed online
- (Jan 30) Revised draft minutes from the January board meeting have been posted
- (Jan 29) Comments on the Lead and Copper Rule are due February 12th
- (Jan 17) Job opening: Water plant supervisor at Yankton (SD)
- (Jan 17) Committee chairs: Please review your Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and submit revisions to Marc Rosso by February 14th
- (Jan 17) Draft minutes of the January board meeting are on the board page
- (Jan 9) Several scholarships were awarded at the 2019 Fall Conference
- (Jan 9) Tomorrow's board meeting has been moved from Grand Island to Lincoln
- (Jan 2) Committee chairs: Please provide committee reports by January 8th at noon for discussion at the board meeting on January 10th
- (Jan 2) The agenda for the January board meeting is now available
- (Jan 2) Job opening: Water operations specialist at Winner (SD)
- (Dec 27) Draft minutes from the November board meeting and annual business meeting are available on the board page
- (Dec 26) The January board meeting has been moved to the Grand Island Chamber of Commerce Building
- (Dec 16) Enter for a chance to win: In cooperation with "Ride With Purpose - The Water Buffalos", AWWA's Water Equation is holding a sweepstakes to win a 2020 Indian Scout 100th Anniversary motorcycle
- (Dec 10) Fall Conference 2019 by the numbers
- (Dec 4) Job opening: Water/wastewater worker IV at Wahoo (Neb.)
- (Dec 4) Congratulations to our 2019 Nebraska Section AWWA award winners
- (Nov 20) Congratulations to the winners of this year's Children's Poster Contest
- (Nov 6) The Fall Conference is underway!
- (Nov 4) Job opening: WWTP supervisor at Aurora (Neb.)
- (Oct 24) The water-tasting contest is on once again at the Fall Conference -- bring your best sample!
- (Oct 18) Don't wait: Register now for the 2019 Fall Conference!
- (Oct 18) The board page has been updated with final minutes from meetings in 2018 and 2019
- (Oct 10) Draft minutes of the September board meeting have been posted
- (Oct 10) The Fall Conference will again feature a Top Ops competition. Register your team now: (.pdf) | (.docx)
- (Sep 27) NEWARN has shared their September reminder
- (Sep 27) Approved minutes from the May board meeting have been posted
- (Sep 27) Deadline extension: The Scholarship Committee has extended the deadline to apply for the One AWWA Operator Scholarship to October 15th
- (Sep 24) Six (6) hours of continuing education for water operator grades I - IV have been approved for our pre-conference workshop held in conjunction with the Fall Conference
- (Sep 20) Our time and talent survey asks whether you'd like to get more involved with the Nebraska Section AWWA, and how you'd like the organization to serve you better
- (Sep 19) The agenda for the September 20th board meeting in Grand Island has been posted
- (Sep 5) The mentoring program is back
- (Aug 29) The Water for People fall benefit shoot is coming up on September 27th: Register now
- (Aug 29) The 2019 Fall Conference will include the 9th annual benefit poker tournament; participants and sponsors are encouraged to register now
- (Aug 29) Operators should apply for the One AWWA Operator Scholarship by September 15th; additional details are found on the Scholarship Committee page
- (Aug 19) Exhibitors can register now for the 2019 Fall Conference
- (Aug 16) Members should review the nominations report for the 2019 Nebraska Section elections
- (Aug 12) The League of Nebraska Municipalities is offering a range of water operator training sessions in October and December
- (Aug 12) The League of Nebraska Municipalities is offering a training event in "Work Zone, Chemical Handling, and Electrical Safety" on August 22nd
- (July 1) New job opening: Industrial waste program administrator at Brookings (SD)
- (June 28) An agenda has been posted for our 2019 leadership retreat
- (June 26) Job opening: System operations specialist at Lincoln County RWS (South Dakota)
- (June 13) Last call: Fall Conference paper proposals are due tomorrow!
- (June 7) One week remains until your Fall Conference paper proposals are due. Act soon!
- (May 30) Nebraska Section AWWA members were featured in the recent AWWA Connections article "Record flooding tests resilience of Midwest water systems"
- (May 30) Reminder: Submit your Fall Conference presentation ideas by June 14th by responding to the call for papers (Word|PDF)
- (May 30) Draft minutes of the May board meeting have been posted on the board page
- (May 23) Save the date: Our 2019 leadership retreat will be held on July 11th at Mahoney State Park
- (May 21) Save the date: The Water for People benefit shoot is scheduled for September 27th
- (May 21) Enter the Gimmicks and Gadgets Awards with your simple mechanical device or procedure used in water utility operations. Due June 27th.
- (May 15) New job opening: Wastewater superintendent at Norfolk
- (May 15) Reminder: The Fall Conference planning committee seeks your presentation ideas. Respond to the call for papers (Word|PDF) and put your research in front of our community of water professionals.
- (May 9) The agenda for the May board meeting has been posted to the board page
- (May 8) Drinking Water Week is May 5-11! Governor Ricketts signed a proclamation in recognition of the week, and Marc Rosso, Craig Reinsch, Brittany Travers, and Mary Poe attended as our representatives.
- (May 8) The Awards Committee asks you to recognize individuals who do outstanding work, going above and beyond in their duties. If you think an individual or utility deserves an honor, please submit your nominations as soon as possible.
- (May 3) Want to present at the Fall Conference? Respond to our call for papers! (Word|PDF)
- (Apr 29) AWWA-ACE will feature a golf tournament to benefit The Water Equation; individuals are encouraged to sign up and organizations are invited to sponsor the event
- (Apr 24) New job opportunities have been shared with us
- (Apr 24) A free workshop for operators of small systems is scheduled for May 15th; register early to reserve a seat
- (Apr 10) AWWA-ACE is happening June 9th through 12th in Denver; register by April 24th to get the early-bird discount
- (Apr 10) Apply now for a 2019 safety award; applications are due July 31st
- (Apr 10) The 2019 AWWA Water For People golf outing begins with a 1:00 pm shotgun start on May 10th at the Woodland Hills Golf Course. Please form a team and sign up. The board will meet before the event at 9:00am. Contact Hayden DeLay or Scott Bundy with questions.
- (Apr 3) The Joint NWEA/NSAWWA YP Committee is hosting a tailgate party for the 2019 Nebraska Football Spring Game on Saturday, April 13th
- (Apr 3) In collaboration with Keep Omaha Beautiful, the Joint NWEA/NSAWWA YP Committee will be hosting a stream clean-up of Hell Creek in Omaha on Tuesday, April 16th
- (Apr 3) AWWA Connections is working on an article about the impact of flooding on water systems in Nebraska; if you would like to share your story, contact Mary Poe
- (Apr 3) The 2019 Drinking Water Week proclamation ceremony will take place on April 8th; all member water professionals are invited to attend
- (Apr 3) Drinking Water Week 2019 will be celebrated May 5th through 11th
- (Apr 3) Wine 4 Water is happening on April 9th
- (Mar 20) Details of the 2019 Water for People golf outing have been updated
- (Mar 20) New job opening: Deputy public works director at Eureka, South Dakota
- (Mar 11) New job opening: Utility worker I at Minden, Nebraska
- (Mar 1) The draft agenda for the March 11th board meeting is available on the board page. Please email committee reports to Craig Reinsch by March 6th at 5 pm.
- (Mar 1) The 2019 Water For People golf outing is tentatively scheduled for May 10th; further details to come
- (Feb 21) Our colleagues at the NWEA Collection System Committee are considering offering a National Association of Sewer Service Companies (NASSCO) Training track as part of the Great Plains Conference on April 17/18, and are gauging interest with an open signup/RSVP request that will remain open until Feb. 22 (RSVP)
- (Feb 21) E-Week is underway at UNL
- (Feb 21) The Nebraska WEA/AWWA YP committee will host a tour of the Theresa Street WWTP in Lincoln on March 29th (RSVP)
- (Feb 11) Results of our membership survey are now available
- (Jan 30) Draft minutes of the January board meeting have been posted
- (Jan 30) Job opening: Water/wastewater superintendent at De Smet, South Dakota
- (Jan 24) The Nebraska WEA/AWWA YP committee will host a Platte West WTP tour on February 15th
- (Jan 17) The membership committee has great news to report on recruitment and retention
- (Jan 10) The Nebraska Section AWWA mourns the passing of Zoltan Kerekes, a long-time employee at MUD and a recipient of the 1998 WISA Award. Services are pending.
- All of our previous news updates can be located from our news page

- Facebook page (open to the public)
- LinkedIn group (for Nebraska AWWA members only)
- Public service announcements for media use
- Suggested public service announcement by Nebraska Health & Human Services - November 5, 2010
- Young Professionals Committee
- Nebraska WARN: Nebraska Water/Wastewater/Stormwater Agency Response Network
Awards, applications, and nominations
- AWWA awards and applications
- Nebraska Section AWWA award nomination forms
- Update your address, phone number, e-mail address, etc. with National AWWA